

Well-Known Member
What's the good word? Any new mods or ideas since yesterday? Lookin' forward to all that's coming :D


Well-Known Member
just sitting here looking at my new big ass tote smoking a joint thinking about working, but not actually working. lmao. ill be updating to night and making a mushroom tutorial probably im not sure ive gotten pics of everything yet, but im close.


Well-Known Member
just sitting here looking at my new big ass tote smoking a joint thinking about working, but not actually working. lmao. ill be updating to night and making a mushroom tutorial probably im not sure ive gotten pics of everything yet, but im close.
Sounds good! Was going to recommend modifying the tote w/more hardware, net pots, etc.. but figured you may have enough shit going on and dont need more :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds good! Was going to recommend modifying the tote w/more hardware, net pots, etc.. but figured you may have enough shit going on and dont need more :D
not that much to do with mothers as far modifications anyhow, just a matter of making sure they fit and are getting enough water, that and to rotate a fresh clone in every now and then. i like these totes tho i will be getting another one or 2 for just that purpose.


Well-Known Member
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there it is done! 9 mothers all in there need some tape to light proof it and straighten it up and a tee for some more cfls and its good to go

WW, blucheese, purple strain, death star, G13, woody haze, wwxbgum triploidy, rocklockxplushberry, and northern lights.


Well-Known Member
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the tent now that all the males are gone, still got a pretty good ratio, ill fill these spots with some clones.

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WWxBgum thats been in a 4x4" pot over 2 months :mrgreen: skillz
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all males 5 on left 5 on right. 10 different strains.
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Purpxbgum and boy she is a BEAST. like her momma so far very fast growing! that stem is thick.
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left is winterfresh(WWxbgum Bx1) and right is woodyhazex(wwxbgum)

took some bud shots under some better light.
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more purlpe
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down below:

cloners filled up with clones from all the females in flower.



Well-Known Member
finally made a decision on some packaging. i know it took a while but i wanted to be creative. i had some ideas tossed em around, ran into something simple that hasnt been used yet that was perfect for my intended purposes, should have some pics of what i decided here in a week, got to make a little money right now and order as well as pay the electric.


Well-Known Member
finally made a decision on some packaging. i know it took a while but i wanted to be creative. i had some ideas tossed em around, ran into something simple that hasnt been used yet that was perfect for my intended purposes, should have some pics of what i decided here in a week, got to make a little money right now and order as well as pay the electric.
Sounds good, and paying the electric is an important one too :D


Well-Known Member
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empty it out then fill it back up. threw some more plants back in with the females from my seeds.
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cleaned up the other tent made some room, just gonna fill it up again in a few days.
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this guy got moved in with the ladys moving super slow through flowering, FINALLy confirmed what it is, which surprised the fuck out of me, cause the scenairio makes it a reg seed. so out of 1 reg seed i got a female. this strain is officially SLHxplush berry. could finally tell for sure in flower cause it smell like straigh lemony pinesol and that sativa is showing taking Sooooo long to flower, a massive plant too. gonna be a good yeild.
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PurpxBgum, fucking huge! look at those leaves. shes my baby:D(also i tried to find the "biggest leaf" well out of all the big leaves they all measured the exact same.)
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got this triploid tuned in, feed feed feed.
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this shit needs tested.


Well-Known Member
Please don't.. hahahah, good mornin' bro and things seem to be lookin' good at this time! :D
everything is swell except 2 herms. couldnt handle the stress i guess.(chernobyl cross(surpris, surprise) and a WW bx1 that was looking weak from the get go. everything is strong handling the stresses well.

good morning to you too man.

dont worry i wont.


Well-Known Member
everything is swell except 2 herms. couldnt handle the stress i guess.(chernobyl cross(surpris, surprise) and a WW bx1 that was looking weak from the get go. everything is string handling the stresses well.

good morning to you too man.
Am fighting something flu-like I think, just woke up after 19 hours of solid sleep and feel much better. Am about to pound down some coffee and breakfast before my day starts. Were you expecting the Chernobyl to herm based on previous reports? Or did you think it was more condition-based and how finicky it is in general?


Well-Known Member
Am fighting something flu-like I think, just woke up after 19 hours of solid sleep and feel much better. Am about to pound down some coffee and breakfast before my day starts. Were you expecting the Chernobyl to herm based on previous reports? Or did you think it was more condition-based and how finicky it is in general?
well its a poly hybrid F1 to start with. and its been known to have problems already because of the large phenotypical selection. then i bred it with another hybrid(not a poly hybrid because i worked with x2 S1 strains, WW and Bgum) polyhybrid x hybrid, basically one of the biggest pool of genes in an F1 thats about possible. its not a surprise because im for sure gonna run across a huge range of phenos even tho its an f1, so ill being seeing some herms, its not a stable cross is what im saying.


Well-Known Member
well its a poly hybrid F1 to start with. and its been known to have problems already because of the large phenotypical selection. then i bred it with another hybrid(not a poly hybrid because i worked with x2 S1 strains, WW and Bgum) polyhybrid x hybrid, basically one of the biggest pool of genes in an F1 thats about possible. its not a surprise because im for sure gonna run across a huge range of phenos even tho its an f1, so ill being seeing some herms, its not a stable cross is what im saying.
I follow what you're saying completely, just didnt know if you'd really expected it, or the plant was just really damn picky. Do you have the true Chernobyl (as known) or one that someone may have tampered with? Any idea?


Well-Known Member
I follow what you're saying completely, just didnt know if you'd really expected it, or the plant was just really damn picky. Do you have the true Chernobyl (as known) or one that someone may have tampered with? Any idea?
true chernobyl. clone of one from a seed pack ive seen.
bluecheese i bought.
purple and bubble gum came in some weed from some very legit people in cally. the guy who knew them knew me, business parterre as well as was my friend.
woody haze, deathstar came from cleaveland to someone else then to me, its the real deal old old hippie shit going on with that shit.
northern lights came from dispensary in MI to cleav to me. some networking involved there lol.
SLH x plushberry from a friend in a legal state who was quite the seed collecter.

G13 is really the only "unknown" its got its history in callie somewhere, and mades it way here, clone after clone for a very very long time.