
The other day I was watching a YouTube vidyuh and this chef said any cook worth his weight should be able to make a classic French omelette perfectly. So I was like “hold the fuck up!”
So fucking delicious. Light, fluffy, creamy, and full of flavor. And it’s literally only eggs and butter.
The other day I was watching a YouTube vidyuh and this chef said any cook with his weight should be able to make a classic French omelette perfectly. So I was like “hold the fuck up!”
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So fucking delicious. Light, fluffy, creamy, and full of flavor. And it’s literally only eggs and butter.
Nice I think you used the roll method i use for Sushi
Oh I’ve been honing my sushi making skills too. I’m getting pretty good at it. But the hard thing for me is finding sushi grade fish. Even my local Whole Foods said they don’t normally stock it.
As long as it is salt water fish and frozen it can be used for Sushi without any concerns but Sashimi grade taste best, I love Sushi more than any other food
As long as it is salt water fish and frozen it can be used for Sushi without any concerns but Sashimi grade taste best, I love Sushi more than any other food
I feel you on that, I love sushi. But more specifically, Sashimi. Most of my idiot family thinks sushi means or is raw fish. And I’m like no bitches, Sashimi is raw fish. But they won’t try it anyway. Dumbasses.
I feel you on that, I love sushi. But more specifically, Sashimi. Most of my idiot family thinks sushi means or is raw fish. And I’m like no bitches, Sashimi is raw fish. But they won’t try it anyway. Dumbasses.
Most of my friends are the same way ...clueless
Peanut butter on toast 6 days a week, Sunday can be Eggs Benedict to Waffles or standard 3 eggs over easy, cottage fries, sausage and toast or a plate of Hash with a poached eggs on top. Then a few bong rips as football starts at 10 AM on the left coast. Yippy Skippy!
Oh I’ve been honing my sushi making skills too. I’m getting pretty good at it. But the hard thing for me is finding sushi grade fish. Even my local Whole Foods said they don’t normally stock it.
One of the few good things about living in New England is the abundant fresh seafood. I can get sushi grade tuna off a guy in a trailer, in a dirt parking lot, down the street. He hits the docks every morning and is usually sold out shortly after noon. Oh, and it's always about $10/lb cheaper than Whole Foods non sushi grade tuna. Damnit, now I want tuna and he's closed.
I typically don't eat until the afternoon but occasionally on weekends I'll make breakfast or even do breakfasts for dinner. I do have black coffee in the mornings, but I always have coffee n 2 milk if I'm eating breakfast in the morning.

I'll do a tray of bacon on a cookie sheet in the oven (so easy to get it perfect every time this way plus you don't have to monitor it as much and you free up space on the stove top), make some home made hash browns (roughly dice some potatoes, a little onion and a lot of garlic) which end up getting fried in the bacon grease, and then fry up some sunny side eggs with super runny yokes.

That or a nice omelet with sautéed muahrooms, red pepper tomatoes chives and cheese. Cooked in garlic butter and maybe side it with some bacon and toast.

Or, pancakes/French toast/ waffles( prepared many different ways).

It's actually crazy how spoiled for choice we are. I consider my father telling me his favourite breakfast growing up...... left over rice heated with some butter and syrup.

Ps. I've had tons of full English breakfasts and rarely do they put out actual fried bread or black pudding.... and I've never complained about it even once:rolleyes:
Wow your breakfasts sound amazing
I had leftover tuna casserole with some sriracha on it and washed it down with a tall glass of iced tea. I usually have yesterday's leftovers for breakfast, I can't even remember the last time I had anything breakfast related for breakfast. Hell, even when I have pancakes they're usually for dinner.
a banana and mouth full of raw oats with coffee(3ish am), thats before the gym, then a veggie sandwich with a glass of cashew milk after.

thats my go to for breakfast for the last 18ish months
During the work week (Monday through Saturday), I'll usually have a fried egg sandwich on wheat toast with a slice of pepper jack cheese, sometimes I'll have just a bowl of cereal with milk. I like plain bran flakes with with sliced banana or frozen raspberries.

On Sunday's once in awhile I'll go eat breakfast at a little country restaurant by me, every other Sunday they make a breakfast pizza. The breakfast pizza is a biscuit crust, sausage gravy for sauce, scrambled eggs, diced fried potatoes with onions and then covered with shredded melted cheese. It's pretty damn good.
WHen i was a kid, I used to catch rock fish and use them as bait... I'd lick my fingers clean....I know exactly what raw fish tastes like...
Today's breakfast? Since it's Sunday, I actually have time to make it. Belgian-style waffles(frozen, not homemade) w/ butter & maple syrup and cold brew iced coffee w/ caramel flavor & cream. Good enough 4 me! :wink: