Breaking Bad, Are you Ready tonight ??


Well-Known Member
Well, it ends tonight. Any guesses on how it ends? mine, Walt goes out Blazing. Was a great series.
I'm thinking Walt goes out but after the shootout. This second half kind of dragged a bit and I feel a lot could have been different but w/e.
I hope the walking dead doesn't drag out.
why does this even come up. its meth, not weed. the world will glorify booze and meth on tv but we refuse to give weed a place behind the counter.
Walt is gunna kill all those Nazi dudes at the compound, he will also save jesse, walt will get the barrel full of money to his family, and then he will kill himself with the ricin. Let it be known I just predicted the end of breaking bad. I feel like that's the only logical way it could go but Vince seems to surprise me every episode so I just hope I'm not right.
why does this even come up. its meth, not weed. the world will glorify booze and meth on tv but we refuse to give weed a place behind the counter.
i can tell by your post you dont watch breaking bad... oh and

ending was some bullshit. i dont like the way they wrapped it. its like the writers got lazy
yeah it felt too rushed.. i hope theres a spin off or something so we dont get left completely hanging like that

There is a spin-off in the works. Better Call Saul. But it's before he met WW.

I thought the ending was fine. Lydia and Todd died. I was happy.
walt is gunna kill all those nazi dudes at the compound, he will also save jesse, walt will get the barrel full of money to his family, and then he will kill himself with the ricin. Let it be known i just predicted the end of breaking bad. I feel like that's the only logical way it could go but vince seems to surprise me every episode so i just hope i'm not right.

so close !!
ending was some bullshit. i dont like the way they wrapped it. its like the writers got lazy
Really? I didn't see it that way at all. I liked how they wrapped it up with everyone getting killed that deserved it except for Jesse. In my mind he'll end up in jail anyway...
What did you think was lazy about the writing and how would you have changed the end? How would you have wrapped it up?
the blue meth lives on through jesse, maybe he will get his own show
they already put out the spin offs pilot, you must of forgot about one major loose end they didnt clear up...