Breaking down organic dry amendments by dr earth


Hey guys I’m growing in ocean forest soil mixed with happy frog .. and it’s the time where I need to re amend my 3 gallon pot and my question is how long would it take for the dry amendments to start breaking down to feed my plants ... I have added a basic aerated worm tea and have watered in with neutral ph water but idk if gonna be a week or 2 until it feeds the plant
With dry amendments you want to cook for about 30 days or so.
That’s before I even put the soil into a pot correct .. but what if I’m top dressing I added 3 tablespoons and scratched it in my soil and covered it up and watered it in
Still takes 30 days for the break down to happen. That doesnt mean you cant plant in that dirt some seeds or fresh clones. By mid veg they would start using them. But in general you should let dirt rest for 30 days between grows. give time for the soil biology to bounce back from the stress of a plant growing in it. and the root ball to break down.

As far as top dressing that would just be fertilizer. get some earthworm castings.

Keep in mind that dry amendments break down over time. I re-amend my 25g no till pots every 3 years. each pot gets about 8 plants grown to about 5 foot between each re-amend. Just by letting them rest for 30-60 days. I also grow micro clover on the pot at all times. I do 60 days cause it matches up with how I grow.

How many plants do you grow at a time?
I do 3 plants at a time and it’s been a month already where my leaves start to look lighter so I decided to too dress with dr earth home grown since I’m not ready for flower yet I want to veg some more .. I did add worm casting worm gold plus and used it also to cover my amendments with some soil on top and made a tea also
transplant to 10 gallon pots and flip em. If your plants have already sucked all the nitrogen out then you will need to get it back in. Stinging nettle tea is what you would want. but you will have to do that alot. 3 gallon pots are good to bloom rooted clones in. but with how long youre vegging that plant you will need to transplant.
3 gallons is really small for the size plant your trying to grow. Re-pot into new nutrient rich soil and just water.
If that not a choice Amending your soil will work. I would follow up with a compost tea to speed up the breakdown of the Organics to feed the plant.
Depends what is in there, blood meal is pretty fast, bone and feather is slow, rock phosphate is 3-5 yrs, soft rock phosphate is 2-3 years before it peaks
It takes a week or two depending on the health of your soil, so you want to make sure to top dress before you start seeing deficiencies. You‘ll probably need to feed with the tea again before the Dr. Earth starts to feed them.

I do a homemade mix of Happy Frog, EWC and Dr. Earth which will last about 4 weeks so I’ll top dress at week 3, give or take a few days depending on how they look. Make sure to really mix it in and you shouldn’t have any issues.
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It takes a week or two depending on the health of your soil, so you want to make sure to top dress before you start seeing deficiencies. You‘ll probably need to feed with the tea again before the Dr. Earth starts to feed them.

I do a homemade mix of Happy Frog, EWC and Dr. Earth which will last about 4 weeks so I’ll top dress at week 3, give or take a few days depending on how they look. Make sure to really mix it in and you shouldn’t have any issues.
Yea that’s kinda what I did where they still look green but I know it’s been over a month and I should start adding some amendments to it and worm tea ... I have a small grow tent so I cant grow big trees so I spread the plants out I just wanna know how fast it will start being readily
Available I’m guessing 2 weeks it will start feeding from what I gathered from my research
I was under the assumption that if you top dressed with Dr.Earths or GaiaGreen, they probably start feeding the microbes within three days. Does anyone have any hard facts on how long it actually takes?
from their web site

"Flower Girl® dry fertilizer produces fantastic results as it releases some nutrients quickly and others may last up to several months. "