**BREEDERS BOUTIQUE -F.U.B.A.R.- 1000 Watt Soil GROW** Let the good times roll.


Well-Known Member
I agree, an excess of anything can lock nutes out, but Hydras leaf in the pic, on top fo the damage also looks just a little bit pale for me so I think those girls could handle a little bit N. I would just do that on a water feed, I would add that on top of anything else......just my 2 cents (you'll also find a lot of cal/mg solutions from grow companies will have N in it).
Yea your right, looks like the cal/mg nutes i have nitrogen as well. My humblest apology mr dst.


Well-Known Member
Hÿdra;9552753 said:
So far i REALLY like the fabric pots, they seem to be wider and shallower and as of right now are a bit ahead of the 'hard' pots
in growth!
Welcome to teh BB club Papa!

i have used over 100 pots doing our hobby. big and small and round and square, and short and tall, and when i found smart pots, i tossed them all.

i love those things.

i veg for way too long in 18 oz solo cups so when i move to the flower room, i only use 3 gallon pots. they don't fill out the 5 gallon enough in 2 months.

i want to do a grow starting clones in the 5 gallon pots to see what's up.

nice grow brother. :)


Well-Known Member
Hÿdra;9552753 said:
So far i REALLY like the fabric pots, they seem to be wider and shallower and as of right now are a bit ahead of the 'hard' pots
in growth!
Welcome to teh BB club Papa!
Thank you! I am very excited for the seeds to arrive, and very excited to see those crystal covered ladies in my tent :) Been running to the mailbox every day. Should have some super smelly berries and a dog and IDK what else :) I don't think I have see a BB grow that didn't look beautiful.


Active Member
Thanx Papa!

So i ended up with 4 males out of 12

So 8 Females!!!!!!! GREAT RATIO!!!!

will take some picture here tonight
I ate too much BBQ and have 'the Itis'


Active Member

week 1.5 of flowering. Ended up with 8 girls out of 12!!! Super happy with that!
Growing fasts and health now that i got some cal mag into them:)

All is well....

Just super busy with school, my Composition teacher seems to think i have no other classes and is wrecking my time management with her stupid endless bullshit:(
Im killing it it Algebra however, my weakest class is now my strongest ha.... not sure how that happened.
auf wiedersehen friends!


Well-Known Member
looking great man, congrats on the good ratio and even more congrats that the cal mg solved your problem.

stay lit,



Active Member
Again fella's so VERY sorry about not being johnny-on-the-spot with my updates. School is kicking my ass so far, dip shit ONLINE writing 201 class is a HUGE class load.... something like 3000 words a week so far! FOR A FUCKING ONLINE CLASSSSSSSSSS This bitch is trippin! Im super far behind in German b/c of that damned class. große Schwierigkeiten!!!!!!



Active Member
anyways here are some rescent pic.. Flowering has taken WAY off. SOme big stretch but thats b/c of my poor canopy management:(


These are from a few days ago


Active Member
And these bad boys are from about minutes ago!

Such a strong growing plant! Hemlock is a kingpin breeder.. so far no issues that i didnt cause.

Still getting a bit of 'rot' or plant cancer on my fan leaves, have been giving CalMag and the issue still persists.


Active Member
Any ideas guys??? REALLY want to fix this issue, A) so i look cool and B) so i can have GREAT smoke!

Here are the beauty queens:



Well-Known Member
Could possibly be a fungal issue, not a soil/medium issue....beauty queens are looking solid though!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lol @ so i'll look cool. your girls look pretty fine as is man. love that massive fan leaf. every now and then you get one.

looking at the plant prob chart it looks potassium or magnesium but i'm no expert on plant probs


Well-Known Member
lol @ so i'll look cool. your girls look pretty fine as is man. love that massive fan leaf. every now and then you get one.

looking at the plant prob chart it looks potassium or magnesium but i'm no expert on plant probs
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Maybe of ya got a fukin Fan it would help.