Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG


Well-Known Member
i do have her number actually, found it in my phone the other day. I couldn't find it before, but was looking for something else, lol.....It's not my position to be contacting her, not after she ignored my wifes email after they visited. Still feel sorry for them though, she even said, "he's always coming up with something to supposedly make us loads of money."

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Aye fair one mate. I'm curious but sleeping dogs n that eh.

If he'd turned half his nous to legit business he would have been earning double what he was dealing probably.


Well-Known Member
He was doin legit business,coinin it in screwin over old people with those orthopaedic beds,thats why a said Karmas a bitch... Still a bit harsh to go that far but if ur playin wae the big boys!! A really dnt think he got vusted,a reckon he owes the wrong people n wnt underground,either that or they got a hold.of him


Well-Known Member
Aye, he told me about the bed thing, legal but quite ruthless. Selling to OAP's...dubious. Ma Gran got a call from a bed company, Sunday morning, she told the guy on the phone he should still be in his bed and hung up, lol. Ma poor wee Grans falling to bits but she's still sharp as.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
That's the older generation for you. Think living through war makes you tough as old boots.

I'm not stirring the hornets nest here jig if your still subbed but did anyone see the BBC panorama about north Korea? It was unbelievable. I sat jaw open for an hour. No shit Kim Jung 2 is the new Hitler. His people starve and anyone who opposes go to death camps v much like Auschwitz. One guy who escaped/ defected when asked how they buried the dead who starved in the winter when the ground was frozen. The answer, they just piled them in a warehouse til April then mass bury them. 70-80 at a time.

This nutjob needs taking out before he presses a button.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
It was sickening eh. Mini Kim and his motorcade rolling around looking at factories n shit while people starve. No internet or mobile phone signal. Death for not agreeing I couldn't believe it. 21st century. The houses looked like the ones in germany after the bombing.

Puts my problems reet into perspective. Think I was drinking to just avoid thinking


Well-Known Member
That documentary was an eye opener. It's like another world, destitute isn't the word for some of those poor people. I agree he's a nut jib and should be dealt with. No tv unless heavily cencored,and when it is its about him. It's like he gives them trickles of what they need, like lekky and food so they are completely dependant on him. Its sick and shouldn't be going on in this day and age.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Back on The gym before work grind. Pulled a load of muscles in my shoulders holding that lad by his ankles. Now recovered I'm going to go n beast it


Well-Known Member
I hope someone else had him by the arms and you weren't just picking up dude by his ankles on your No wonder you ripped yer shoulders to shit!:)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
wish my clone game was strong. more dead ones this morning. the ones in coco with fresh root hormone :wall: the new dwc ones don't appear to have roots and are darkening in the stems. thinking i'll just scrap the lot and make way for the new veg box. going to temp make a cardboard shitty one and then build a 2x2" square frame and panda line it. job for when the weather improves. the gales have stopped now the rains have come. excellent.

gaffers not in today he got a call yesterday his caravan roof was blowing off so he went alone with some bloody washing line and climbed the damn thing without a ladder ( 68 yo btw) gale blew and knocked him off the roof the roof landed on his nut n gashed him up and he's jarred his back. pissing blood out his forehead he then drove himself nearly an hours drive home concussed. you could not write the shit this man gets up to. disaster on 2 legs. or off them this time...


Well-Known Member
Beyond epic, I kinda thought you meant it figuratively. Throwing that fella in the Tyne that is, I just picture that fella flapping like a towel while you give him the who's not gonna talk to me like that!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i have a kinda marty mcfly like flaw in my character. when someone tells me 'you wouldn't dare!' 'oh really? watch me' is usually the response. thankfully i wasn't inebriated enough to drop him. he could have been badly hurt. The tide was out, there's all sorts of debris in the silt. the third time he started shouting his mouth off i said right lads toodle pip i'm off to a different pub.

must be getting at least a little bit more sensible in my old age.