Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG


Well-Known Member
Mate that's the closest to a psycho or exodus I've ever had puts any cheese seeds to shame:) great job on that!!! I've never tryed the livers but that must be where the pungentness comes from ? Thanx for introducing me to the dippy bb! Oh yeah I got just over 3oz from her :) Ras


Active Member
People are gonna be thinking the dippy is a cheese coz she reeks!!!!:)
Lol my first dippy was something else, smelt proper cheesey, tasted proper psycho, but then after a cure it got very fruity.
Now I'm toking on the dippy widows I created and they are really nice too.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think Ras that if u had used pk and the like it may of speeeded things along a bit and it wouldnt of took 12 weeks +

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just had a dippy n all I can say is wow!! Nice kick to her n she tasted pungent ass !! Still not dry fully dry but I'm sat here lookin Chinese:)
People are gonna be thinking the dippy is a cheese coz she reeks!!!!:)
i think it has about every variety of stink in her doesn't she:)
Mate that's the closest to a psycho or exodus I've ever had puts any cheese seeds to shame:) great job on that!!! I've never tryed the livers but that must be where the pungentness comes from ? Thanx for introducing me to the dippy bb! Oh yeah I got just over 3oz from her :) Ras
Lol my first dippy was something else, smelt proper cheesey, tasted proper psycho, but then after a cure it got very fruity.
Now I'm toking on the dippy widows I created and they are really nice too.
all round slam dunk funk eh. fuckin good work. 3 x clone only at play it's going to have a high % of throwback gene pool possibilities. can't wait to get a go on it.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fucksake. royal fail have gotten shite lately. that's the same office i had to chase for a parcel coming to me. took them weeks to find it then after i'd paid the postage they still 'forgot' to send it out for another week. i wasn;t about to go n get a dollys pram of funk from the depot though lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Aye ur right there gettin worse by the dy... Will leave till 2moz c wot happens
any joy?
You guys got thee ongoin threads everywhere, took me long enough to find the uk thread haha
hahah aye, hundred odd page journals generally keep the new kids from bothering lol. not that we're an insular bunch lol. this is my second, think the other one was a good 600 odd pages. on 40 posts haha i can talk bollocks for days.
I think the same mate ph issues didnt help either :( she's so tasty nice cure n shel be a banger :)
you soil rasc or hydro? i never ph nowt.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
update time:

Crit Jack: guessing by the claw in my haste the other day i fed them the same feed as the smelly berries :roll:

Pre 98 BX : lagging

Smelly fingerez:

the 3 smelly berries: look to be yielders thank the lord

frost shots


I can't remember how old they are, aint gonna lie lol.


Well-Known Member
Arrived 20 mins ago m8. Dog looks a goner,most of the leaves fell off jst openin the bottle lol...

Transplanted into party cups,gve them a feed n put under ma prop light,hopefully coupla dys n they'l b ready to transplant bk into ma dwc n aquafarm ;-)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah fucksake :( aye i did say they weren't in the best shape but I'd have thought they'd be reet. soz man, kinda thought they'd get there a bit quicker, not like we're a million miles apart.

if there's still some green it might pull through


Well-Known Member
Aye theres still some green m8 may hve lost the main tip of the PK. A stripped right bk to the root n planted in some brand new coco,roots still brilliant white so theres still hope,will get a coupla pics up 2nite.

Defo posts fault if it had came even yesterday a think they would hve been in better shape

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
topped by royal fail eh :roll: that coco was fresh when i potted them like. i should'a don them next day but it woulda cost more and you have to fill the senders details which i obv didn't fancy. they fucking check it there n then. have to have a fake address off pat.


Well-Known Member
Thibk it was jst condensation n coldness cos the coco was soakin m8. By looks of things main stem on the Dog's gone rotten,lookin a tad browny so dnt think its goin to make it :-(

mr west

Well-Known Member
having a practice few beers in readiness for next weekend lol. Leffe blonde blond or something lol.chin chin


Well-Known Member
any joy?

hahah aye, hundred odd page journals generally keep the new kids from bothering lol. not that we're an insular bunch lol. this is my second, think the other one was a good 600 odd pages. on 40 posts haha i can talk bollocks for days.

you soil rasc or hydro? i never ph nowt.
u never ph? I'm in coco mate usin a+b n now rhizotonic cannazym boost n pk ph 5.8 goin all out in the next 1 :)