Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Since the 2 fogger bollocks died i had to stasis the clones with a titchy airstone which has meant a few have bit the dust a few look mal nourished and the ones under the stone look great.
from this:
to this muthaf@cker

only bitch is i've got the plug stopper stuck in the tub but i'm going to redo it with a clip on top tupperware for the next lot, might even see if i can get a round one to fit the stone.

well fucked off this morning, scottish power are tryna put my bill up 47 bar a month ffs.


Well-Known Member
I love that GH 3 part good stuff never lets ya down.

I run R/O water Don and the Brown Is what I use in the rez so that I have all the micros. Good stuff.

Hope your well mate.


Well-Known Member
Just shocked at what happened in London yesterday at the army Barracks. Fukin muslums.
There are time I wish I could go back to that hell hole that is the middle east. I'd fukin finish what we started!

May God Bless that soldiers family.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
apparently the two muslims responsible have been shot but taken alive into custody. I want to see them punished by sharia law. an eye for an eye a head for a fucking head.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I love that GH 3 part good stuff never lets ya down.

I run R/O water Don and the Brown Is what I use in the rez so that I have all the micros. Good stuff.

Hope your well mate.
physically great, mentally i could kill things and people. probably mood swings from the mandy though so for now just chugging along.


Active Member
Ill have to set up a quarantine box to protect anything from the nasties I have lol
Oh dear, won't be for a few weeks anywho, you could always quarantine it/them in the greenhouse ;-) lol

no action on the Dog pips as of yet but..... The smallest of the casey pips has cracked with a tiny tap root poking out, gonna wait till its a little longer n stick it in a jiffy!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
speaking of nasties i saw another adult fucking thrip again today and there was a tiny bit of pm on the one i took down last night. fucking borg....

anyway smellyberry #2

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tents pretty empty now:( only the critical jack, last smellyberry and the dwc fingerez which seems having an issue...
doesn't seem to be drinking a whole bunch of water but the root mass is getting big and there's plenty action on the new growth front.
Phone pic:

looks wet cos i've just sprayed for borg :roll:

some cool inflatable art gallery thingy near my work and some graf, pics taken yesterday when it wasn't pishing doon...


have a great weekend peeps