Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
i would have thought forcing a larger flow through a smaller space would force a drag to build up where the two meet? I'm nee expert though?
aye man great fun, am fucked now like. canny hike up the hill, think there's a good chance me n the missus will be on the local news tonight. looking a reet pair of wallies lol.Sledging?, Great fun!. Loving that 2t mate, the smell totally takes me back to the coffee shops in the dam. It's also the best tasting stuff i've had. Thanks mate
aye tbf i've had enough of it being minus each night and a few degrees through the day. back to double figures this week. and of course everything past manchester will be flooded to buggery.
checked the temps out last night. peaked at 37chad to go down to one 600. till i can get the ducting and splitter. plants look well nice though. taken 10 cuts, 2 off each for the keeper. the smelly fingerez was bursting to get into flower.
and i've still got thrips ffs. diotamix or whatever earth and two different types of spray. i'm keeping them at bay but there's the odd one floats about when i i open the door.
think i'll ask my good buddy over the pond to send me a fogger bomb thing and just put all the plants in the tent and fumigate the fuckers.