Breeders Boutique Grow! Psycho Killer and UK clone only crosses SCROG


Well-Known Member
Cool cool Donny can get the little disc things that yorky used for his mate I've forgot the name but I know they do um all diff sizes you just cut a hole to suit an the cut slides in them.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
neoprene collar things aye, there's a couple of bis in the office about 8 x 6" for some other reason, i'll see if there's a bit spare. fucks me of buying something of lesser value than it costs to send it.

or you talking the little rockwool things to put on the mother plants branch pre snip or am i really high and overthinking this. :lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
spose it's friday, i'll take some shots and go for a swim n a sauna. muscles re sore today.

any of you into the gym? i was doing these,


with only 30k +bar, my arse muscles are knacking this morning. tomorrows going to be a nightmare.

EDIT: i could watch her all day

mr west

Well-Known Member
i had an old volvo u kinda had to do them squat thingys to get it moving in the mornings lol. I dont miss having a jalopy I can tell ya.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i had an old volvo u kinda had to do them squat thingys to get it moving in the mornings lol. I dont miss having a jalopy I can tell ya.

big square back ended thing? my grandad had one, ran for fucking ever decent make volvo were, dunno who owns them now mind


Well-Known Member
I use to have a Nissan Stanza back in the day, I would always phone the AA before leaving the house just to let them know I was on my way. Good thing was my half brother worked for them so I had family membership and always got great service. I needed it, I can tell ya!


Well-Known Member
oh dear, I knew when I typed that I would be getting an underwater reference thrown back at me, lol.....


Well-Known Member
elo matey, hope alls chilled n gannin canny ;)
hope you dont mind me droppin this in for your viewing pleasure?


...................................bongsmilie Delvite​