Breeders Boutique

I'm pissed because I had to start over again such things happen when you live in illegal places to grow harmless plants. But I threw 5 sour cherries in paper towels and 5 cheese surprises in paper towels. So far one of the strains is 5 for 5. I get them mixed up but I'm going to do my best to figure out which ones which shouldn't be too hard deciphering between sour cherry and cheese surprise. The cheese surprise were around 2 years old they were from my first breeders Boutique order. But I wonder if it's a sour cherries that are popping slow because I know from previous posts and experience that they have been known to be hard to pop. I didn't scratch them still got 5 of them so if it turns out that it was the sour cherries that didn't pop, and they still might they are still in their paper towel. I will throw the other 5 in and scored the edges of them. Far from given up on them yet. I just wish I wouldn't have lost track of which one was which. Always happens to me for some reason I'm good at growing, (Imo) but not good at keeping track of what strain is what I've been getting better but just lost track of these two strains. I've already placed an order in on the spring50 myself. Didn't have much money and time so I only ordered some Dog Kush but probably will be making another order sometime in the next couple of weeks hopefully it will still going on then. Can't wait for the being fair to stop by. I'd love to have one of those t-shirts I'm on break down and order one day, one of my family members really wants one too. Thanks BB crew you guys put out nice great genetics. Keep up the good work!
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well, I mean for half price, which is less or about a quarter of some of the major banks on attitude, you get double the order in freebies plus a free fem Plemon pip while they last. if that aint a good deal you must want it for nothing haha and ten bob change lol


I need more beans like I need more rolling papers, and I have a barely opened case of Cut Corners, so.......
But I can't let your sale pass w/o throwing at least a little bit of support, so I'm down with CQ48 and hopefully the DB x Livers. It's probably the smoke from the recently finished Livers that's the convincer - that, and the fact I passed 5 of the ten Livers beans to an amigo, and am now down to 2 beans of it. :weed: All the best on a successful spring sale.
Will the Hot Dog be available in seed form on the webbie ny time soon guys? Would <3 to get my hands on some....OR place another order to do so :P I didnt make a request for freebies as I didnt know how all that worked, but it's all good.

@jigfresh @DST @genuity @Don Gin and Ton @Bbcchance
I'd love to help you, but I wouldn't know, I'm a fan of the gear, not an affiliate lol, the BBC is because of my big black ehhh, never mind, I collect skateboards lol
I'd love to help you, but I wouldn't know, I'm a fan of the gear, not an affiliate lol, the BBC is because of my big black ehhh, never mind, I collect skateboards lol

All good lol. I really dont know who all the MAINmen are with BB, but at least w this thread and Club 600 we're pretty tight nit as far as keeping everyone informed goes ;) So many peepz doing such GREAT work