Breeders Boutique

Should note too that I put these under 12/12 for a week or so when they were young due to a lack of space, I thought they were too young to start flowering but they did start to get small flowers.

After that they were put under 18/6 for about 3 weeks which caused the 3 blade leaves you might see. Doesn't seem to have bothered them too much though
I grew a DB X SC last year and it was deep purple and had a very sweet taste. I wasn't able to keep a clone, but I sure do miss her. I planted about six seeds that are a month into veg right now. Hope I find that one again!
Should note too that I put these under 12/12 for a week or so when they were young due to a lack of space, I thought they were too young to start flowering but they did start to get small flowers.

After that they were put under 18/6 for about 3 weeks which caused the 3 blade leaves you might see. Doesn't seem to have bothered them too much though

I have a whole garden full of those, because of me messing around with their times, among other things, and they're doing well at week 4 of flower. Yours is looking good too. Cheers.
DPQ is still in stock, and some new DPQ from last year.
And cash is not illegal to send in the post. So should be fine (unless you are sending massive amounts, then they have sniffer dogs for that). :)


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The site seems to have a bad query....
Fireballs loving the autumn
Good to see ya mate! Yeah I’m good. Thank you. Kicking it in EugeneOregon 4 now. I’m glad to hear your doing well. Good luck with those smelly crazy psycho ladies your taking care of. I bet you can’t wait to lop their heads off and smoke em up!
Feels good to be back ty!

Yeah I'm hoping for sweet pink fuel out of the smelly cherry x psycho. Be a while before I sample them tho, the first gen pips are still in the bud. Crazy psycho will be in the next run tho.

Oregon treating you good?
It’s alrright. Weed is legal here and there are insane amount of pot shops around. Everywhere you turn there is a new one. I have been to so many and the price for top shelf is about $13 gram. I would much prefer to grow my own but I rent a small apartment and it’s just not feasible to grow in it. But I like the location and it’s quiet and cheap but we need more space so I’m not sure what to do. job is pretty stressful right now and I’m looking for something better all the time but my field is dead and over saturated with new grads. I’m lucky to even have a job in my field. The landscape is nice so if your into outdoor stuff it’s great. Taxes are high, wages are low. The or marijuana industry laws rules and regs are a nightmare and rip off from what I see. Just to get a medical card in this state costs $450. I’m just trying to save some $$ right now and it’s a struggle. Food is so bloody expensive. where do you live?
shit it sounds like the bubble is bursting already :cry:

As much as I'd like weed to be legal in UK i'm glad it isn't. Seems like the man is putting his hand in your pockets tax wise. Paying for a med card is an alien concept to us in uk with free medical care. That said the juxtaposition of it being more cost effective to buy than grow sounds appealing. sad state of affairs...

I split from the ex got myself an apartment as you'd call it and got myself a couple of tents.

Hope your job gets less stressy ASAP!