breeding question on a auto polinated by a hermi.


Well-Known Member
i seen photo plants show sex around day 25 thats about the same time a auto shows sex. so thats leaning more to the sativa's side. 4-6 weeks is the norm with photo strains.
0000000000.jpg9899898989.jpg048.jpg Here they are 54 days old.I have put them in the screen nice and spread out. They have been in the flowering area for 4 days now. I went straight to 12\12 as usual for me. I still really have not tried the whole work your way down slowly from 18\6. Maybe next time.:weed: But man they are growing fast the shoots have grown over an inch a day since being put in the flower chamber. Ive been pulling them back daily spreading them out. The soil is still going strong. I have only given them RO water. Sorry for the poor quality pics. Ill be taking more on my real camera when the light cycle changes..cell cams suck i know......happy growing
IMG_20130527_163818.jpgIMG_20130527_163838.jpgIMG_20130527_163856.jpgIMG_20130527_163903.jpgIMG_20130527_163916.jpgIMG_20130527_163924.jpgIMG_20130527_164229.jpgIMG_20130527_164235.jpg Here are some current pics. So they are in day 10 of flower. You can see the flowers forming. The streach is still going I have to raise the light every day. Temps are between 73 and 77. Humidity has been swinging from 35% to 60%. I will have to live with it though till i can get the proper equip. $ this hobby can get expensive. My setup is a little getto but i keep improving it as i grow. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Assuming there were no recessive autoflowering traits in the sativa dominant, none of them will be autoflowering. If there was a recessive auto gene in the plant, 50% will be autoflowering. They will likely be female or possibly have hermaphroditic tendency.


Well-Known Member
If any were auto they would've started to show budsites in 20-30 days without switching light schedule.
SO I doubt any were Auto-flower > however they are feminized(how stable the females are is another story)

I've had my own accidental pregnancy with high heat in Summer a few years ago + they have been pure female so far. Still germinating 3 years later!
If any were auto they would've started to show budsites in 20-30 days without switching light schedule.
SO I doubt any were Auto-flower > however they are feminized(how stable the females are is another story)

I've had my own accidental pregnancy with high heat in Summer a few years ago + they have been pure female so far. Still germinating 3 years later!
Nice, did you have any problems with hermis
So its day 25. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong with this grow. I have been growing out of my cab for 13 months now and have never had a problem with white powdery mold. So I sprayed with neem oil (watered down 50%) and got rid of it. Then a few days later fucking SEEDS every where. The plants must have carried the hermi trait in the genetics. I searched for an hour looking for some bananas NONE where found. I’m not an expert on this so maybe someone with more knowledge on the subject can chime in. I knew it would be a risk growing these seeds; I’m very disappointed the smell of the buds is so strong. Fruity pebbles with a strong hint of key lime. I’m going to complete this grow any way. My veg room is empty so I have a month to kill. Does seeded bud make ok bubble hash? I looking for some ideas on how to utilize these buds the best way I can. Obviously I will not be saving the seeds. So wuz up riu what should I do...


Well-Known Member
feed the birds with the seeds
and yes it bubbles just fine
i prefer BHO but im a lazy ass is all
scrub your cab wash your prefilter out and start over :D
and post some pics of the next pretty ladies you end up with
I think the bubble will be good. The smell is great and the resin development is thick already. I still have a 10 pack of ww fem seeds. My next run.