Breeding question

mr west

Well-Known Member
If you were able to somehow get a true female to self pollenate using gibberellic acid to force male flowers for the pollen (You said without introducing a male plant). Than you would get feminized seeds that would be stable, I think? Im not sure on that one but thats my guess. Just remember a Hybrid is a cross of any two strains. Hybrids show greater vigor than either parent, but are not stable for inbreeding. At least thats what the books say.
well it wasnt intentional to get the seeds, I didnt see any male flowers when i harvested on any plants in my grow room. It seems to be an imaculate conception lol. No other plants had seeds just the white widow, I dont understand what happend.


Well-Known Member
I have a WW that is female except for two loney pollen sacks Im watching develop. I ordered this stuff that is supposed to suppress the male parts from developing. The product is called reverse by dutch masters

mr west

Well-Known Member
So chances are my ww made a sack or two to preserve its self right? Do you think theses seeds will be the same as the mom or better or diffrent?


Well-Known Member
If you were able to somehow get a true female to self pollenate using gibberellic acid to force male flowers for the pollen (You said without introducing a male plant). Than you would get feminized seeds that would be stable, I think? Im not sure on that one but thats my guess. Just remember a Hybrid is a cross of any two strains. Hybrids show greater vigor than either parent, but are not stable for inbreeding. At least thats what the books say.
aaa i read some where that if you back cross ( i think that's the right thing) it will stablize the strain


Well-Known Member
ok I found this part and I don't quite get it

'' Inbreeding establishes a stable reference point or plant to start from. The chosen females are bred back (back crossed) with males of the same strain. This will establish a true breed, plants with the same growth characteristics. These plants, of known ancestry and growth characteristics will be used to breed hybrid plants. ''