breeding seeds

thanks man.

im glad this threads helped a few people out. im not shitting you it took a while to find then copy and paste this stuff and add my own comment here and there lol.

this is for all u guys

peace out
too easy bro im starting to have some time spare so you guys will be putting up with my crap again soon bro lol. ill jump on tonite sometime.
k dude dunno wot time thatll be the other side of the globe but ill be here tonight mate lol.
technically no, none of us are, we were all hipped here many years ago from your joint (well our forefathers were anyhoo lol)

we had to survive 2 famines off the measily zshit we gathered of the land and hemp seed ya pric's.

origionally the idea was to set up a colony hear to ensure your cannabis supply as to marco polos ships were being a real pain in your ass lol.
good man, not played enough glf so far this year grr but its still early doors. Hows u and urs mate?
Nice lol. The weathers starting to pik up a bit over here now i have my back door open at the min lol. Did ya mrs get hers aswell?
YUP. were all cool now. well theres another 250 of mine coming back yet.
so its just my last court hearing to go really.
im actually thankful for the rain lol.

hmm good weather huh ya should have started a clone ready to be done outside or something bro?
your a marijuana EXPERT now huh??

niiiice :D... though i reckon it should be changed to cannabis expert afterall were not mexican now are we lol.