Breeding weed that doesn't look like weed? (never more than one finger leaves)


Hi guys.

I got a copy of the Cannabis Breeding Bible a few days ago and from what ive got from some parts of the book leaf shapes and mutations can be bred into the strain to breed true?

so would there be a way of breeding a strain that is a banger but in veg it only grows single finger leaves?

Im thinking it would be a nice strain to grow outdoors, you could lST it so it didnt grow like a tree and stick out like a sore thumb but grew along the floor into a low level bush that with the single finger leaves in veg wouldnt stick out to the eye.

Am i just high and making no sense or could strains like this be bred?

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

I got a copy of the Cannabis Breeding Bible a few days ago and from what ive got from some parts of the book leaf shapes and mutations can be bred into the strain to breed true?

so would there be a way of breeding a strain that is a banger but in veg it only grows single finger leaves?

Im thinking it would be a nice strain to grow outdoors, you could lST it so it didnt grow like a tree and stick out like a sore thumb but grew along the floor into a low level bush that with the single finger leaves in veg wouldnt stick out to the eye.

Am i just high and making no sense or could strains like this be bred?
You're high and making sense ;)
The biggest problem is finding the right mutant plant(s) to work with and the several years of breeding it would take.
You may want to look into a strain called Ducksfoot, it's leafs grow a bit different than most cannabis plants, and may be a good place to start your experiment.

with the proper genetics anything is possible i guess, a man once made oranges that had thc in them, however is it worth the time and effort i don't know :)

btw here is that article if it tickles your fancy.
As much as I want to believe that this is true, I'm going to call bullshit.
Somewhere along the way, somebody in California would have gotten a hold of these, and been selling THC Oranges at the dispensaries.
To the best of my knowledge, that has not happened.


Active Member
Can you give me some more info on that bible? I am really looking forward to getting into breeding and trying to do some research while I save for another growbox.


Active Member
with the proper genetics anything is possible i guess, a man once made oranges that had thc in them, however is it worth the time and effort i don't know :)

btw here is that article if it tickles your fancy.
... gheeze don't give these scientist any ideas....I can see a future where some genius will figure a way to put taste buds on genitals as a way to cut out certain taboo sexual practices/predilections ....oh the humanity!


You're high and making sense ;)
The biggest problem is finding the right mutant plant(s) to work with and the several years of breeding it would take.
You may want to look into a strain called Ducksfoot, it's leafs grow a bit different than most cannabis plants, and may be a good place to start your experiment.

As much as I want to believe that this is true, I'm going to call bullshit.
Somewhere along the way, somebody in California would have gotten a hold of these, and been selling THC Oranges at the dispensaries.
To the best of my knowledge, that has not happened.
Cheers bro, im defo gonna be checking out this Ducksfoot now, sounds interesting and i love interesting shit. I have never bred any plants so not sure if i would be the one to take on this job haha, was just wondering if it could be done. Never know one day when ive got some experience i might give it a go, i 100% want to creat my own strain and im looking for a nice mum at the moment and then im gonna buy some regular beans and find my bitch a man haha.


Can you give me some more info on that bible? I am really looking forward to getting into breeding and trying to do some research while I save for another growbox.
Yeah its a book bro, i got it off Amazon, its a good read but i dont get it all, it goes deep into it but its given me the jist of things and i think it has got me ready to start a project when i can, just need to find nice parents and get some F1's made and because ive only got a 2.4x.1.2x2.0 meters and do 10 at a time ill have to grow a few out to find something nice to then use that to breed with to get some F2's and then i think anything after that is going into an IBL but not sure, i was high when i was looking through the book at the time (im always high) You should pick the book up though, its worth a read if your thinking about breeding, i think breeding is the next step and think it would be amazing if you could spend a few years making something great