Breezy the $122 hash making system. Y Pay more!

I've got an even cheaper and easier method. Uses exactly the same principle as all ice-extraction techniques but you probably won't have to buy anything....

1. crush leaves/bud into a standard (but clean!) kitchen blender (fill to 40% with plant material)
2. add ice to the top off the blender
3. add cold water to 'fill the gaps'
4. turn on blender for 1-2min
5. leave to settle (in a fridge) for about an hour

***as with all ice-extraction - trichromes freeze and and snap off at temp's close to 0 degrees centigrade
***the blender will mince the weed and all the trichromes will snap off
***trichromes are denser than water and will therefore sink to the bottom (creating a brown/grey sludge)
***plant material will float (as long as you don't leave it settling for too long, it will sink eventually)

6. scoop plant material off the top
7. carefully drain away most of the water (you don't want to lose any of the 'precious' sludge)
8. leave to evaporate in a bowl in a warm place (airing cupboard - oven on v. low temp if you're impatient!)
9. when damp, crush the sludge together to make your hash!

Easiest and cheapest method of hash-making! But it works amazingly! Saves having to spend loadsa money on bags (that will undoubtably get some of your trich's stuck to them)


Active Member
The first couple of rounds were a little green when wet. I was running it through too many times. After a little playing around with it I dialed it right in . I have made a ot of hash with this machine now that it's harvest time in Oregon.

looks real green like a lot of the plant matter came through.. is that good?
do you think you can use 1 gallon bags draped in a 1 gallon bucket with the bottom cut out to filter the water coming from the machine rather than having to go with a 5 gallon system?

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
Great system. Thanks for the info. I'm just waiting on my Crystal King bags now. I'm itching to run some of my Blue Dynamite(which I have renamed Bazooka Jane) trimmings through this baby.
P.S. Your prices are a little off but not by much:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i guess the true test will be to see how long the cheaper washer lasts compared to the real one.


Well-Known Member
I am not trying to be a dick to the Aqualabs guy. I probably have been. I have said many times I understand he is a business man and wants to make money. I still think $180 is a bit out of line for a cheap little plastic imported mini washing machine The underlying motivation for this whole thing is that everything in this industry is way way over priced!!! Bubble machines, Grow lights, fan, pumps, controllers, filters, paraphernalia. It horrible. If overhead justifies a 500 to 600% mark up then you need a new business plan or you are just putting the screws to the little guy. What ever happened to selling a good product at a reasonable price? My pissing and moaning on RUI won't hurt the Aqualabs guy a bit. There are still plenty of people out there that will buy his product. I'm sure he will be just fine. But there are people out here how don't ave or don't want to spend that kind of money. THOSE are the people I started this thread for.
I totally agree with you. I ordered the breezy, but bought my bags elsewhere. Works great. You rock.


Active Member
Hells Yeah I just got my Breezy delivered! Can't wait to try it out! Still need to get some bags and also gonna wait for my next harvest. I got about 3 oz. Of trim now but not to far from harvesting 3 Autos. I can wait. Looks Like I'll get my 220 pyramid bag from ALT cheapest I've found. Also gonna try out some all mesh mini bags for my hash bags. About $50 for a set! I'll give an update when I get it done.