wtf is cathinone?? and my friend had bupropion for depression but does it get you high is it dangerous whats the scoop on this shit i cant realy find anything on it any info would be appretiated
Cathinone is the same structure as amphetamine except it[cathinone] has a beta-ketone functional group. Beta refers to its position on the ethanamine chain, and ketone refers to an oxygen atom double bonded to a carbon.
I am sure it could get you high. Being as there is very little reporting on it, either everyone who used it has gotten super addicted and forgot to use the computer; or there just isn't very much recreational about it.
Where I live there is a midnight radio show called 'the Dishpit' and the guy does drugs like mad and by the end of the show he is delirious and slurring and taking calls and calling people and interrupting music. Best show evAr!~!
EDIT: Oh right, he was talking about being pulled over by the cops and having to pop like 4 bupropion and had to spend the night in jail.