BrewerToker 2020


Well-Known Member
Only doing three plants this season. Spent a whole month on vacation between Rockie Mtn Natl Park and Door County here in Wisconsin, but still had time to plant 4 beaners in organic soil (fox farm). One was a bastard male, so he's dead. My largest girl is in flower mode while stretching, and I have 2 other ungendered and smaller. This is the first grow I have not done directly in the earth. They are much smaller and more manageable, which I like. But damn, I miss seeing 7ft trees!

Another ride starts...
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Welcome back, I remember your play by play from last year. Those look ok, just not the beasts you grew last season.
Wife wanted me to low key it this season because of the long time away from home and me not watching them.

Next season I grow trees again! However, my lady is about 5ft with the first week of stretch starting. The two small ones are just experiments at this point. Test some methods out on them as far as stress goes.
Stretch might be my favorite phase. Especially when new pistils are popping at the same time. Now is when Wisconsin summers really pay off. I probably have another week to 10 days of stretch, so this girl will still be huge, just not in-the-earth tree huge!20200725_102616.jpg20200725_102709.jpg
My big girl is just about done with stretch. Pistils all over the place. I will start nutes this weekend. Currently only getting Big Bloom 2x a week.
I am actually more excited about what is turning out to be my small girl that is more indica dom. My baby.
Now is when I love growing cannabis! I have my hybrid girl blowing up with flowers. Close to 6 feet now, and too many bud sites to count. She looks gorgeous!
Baby girl, my indica dominate one, is in stretch now. She should start popping pistils any day now. Sunlight hours are dropping quick now that we are 9 days into August, and the girls know it.
They sure look good. I got off to a bad start with outdoors autos and mine are small. I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ll still harvest a little buzz.
Mid-August in Southeast Wisconsin. Urban gardening. Freshly watered and all crops are producing daily. Corn, cucumbers, romas, green bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, peas, and somehow, strawberries still!

And of course, my two ladies chilling out, after yet another full day of sun!
This is one of the first mornings I have been able to enjoy my garden and take pics without my kids bothering me. Nothing more peaceful than an early morning stroll observing my crops. And I was able to 100% confirm that my indica dominate girl is a girl!!
Life can be unfair at times. Like this morning, my lil bushy one, who I thought was female this whole time, showed his balls clearly!!! Left with one female now, although she is huge. But I really wanted this one to be female, because of the indica dom traits.

Is it normal for a plant to wait that long to show? I know, noob question...

Your last one standing is looking great though. Here's hoping for a banner harvest.
I planted that little prick later, so the dick was always 3 weeks behind. Little fucker!
I'm from Wisco as well. Do you ever have problems getting plants to finish before the weather gets shitty? Fall can be so utterly unpredictable in the upper midwest and many many years ago when I used to do gorilla grows I'd constantly run up against tons of cold rain, early frosts, freak early snow fall... all kinds of headaches.
I'm from Wisco as well. Do you ever have problems getting plants to finish before the weather gets shitty? Fall can be so utterly unpredictable in the upper midwest and many many years ago when I used to do gorilla grows I'd constantly run up against tons of cold rain, early frosts, freak early snow fall... all kinds of headaches.
I live in northern wisconsin and I personally love my plants to go through several frosts. Even had them as low as 25 degrees and they always bounced back when the sun comes up.
I'm probably more diligent about spraying my organic bacterial fungicide then I was in the past. 2 times a week. Also will be blowing them off with a leaf blower every a.m. to dry off the dew and then after it rains.

As far as snow and stuff...they get through it fine. Tough plants. I'd rather let them finish tho then take them early.
I'm from Wisco as well. Do you ever have problems getting plants to finish before the weather gets shitty? Fall can be so utterly unpredictable in the upper midwest and many many years ago when I used to do gorilla grows I'd constantly run up against tons of cold rain, early frosts, freak early snow fall... all kinds of headaches.
I'm in SE Wisconsin, so my falls are much more mild. Not that we can't get cold and snow, but the lake is a heater in the fall to weather systems.

But I let the girls get a couple frosts before pulling, like ganga gurl.