brewing some poppy seed tea...


New Member
well i was going to score some herb tonight but that didn't end up happening....and i'd been curious about poppy seed tea for a while, so I decided to grab some seed at walmart

The spice section- McCormick brand was the only poppy seeds they had, so i bought two spice bottles of poppy seeds (120 grams total)

I made it home, popped both of em in a glass jar, boiled some water and poured it in on the seeds...and i'm just sitting/waiting/shaking the jar now.

my question is- is 120 grams enough? i was thinking about buying another jar or two but didn't want to go overboard...will I catch a nice opiod buzz off this?

*disclaimer: i'm inexperienced with ALL opiates, never done em*


New Member
nevermind. apparently people use pounds of poppy seeds to brew tea with.

just a spontaneous idea...o well. lol might as well pour it out


Well-Known Member
yeah you need quite a few. i know some people that order them online. i have read you can od on that shit lol so becareful also i heard from them you can get them at organic stores too
I have done this twice before once using a pound. And once 1/3. The first time had a huge effect that felt nice at first but then became overwhelming. It made me extremely dizzy and pass out. (but it did work) Which made me try 1/3 pound the second time around.

The second time I mixed it with other things and wasn't sure if I even felt anything at all from the tea. My preparation was different this time around though so maybe that had something to do with it.

The first time I used cold water extraction. I filled a two liter with a pound of organic seeds. Then, I filled the bottle with water until it covered the seeds by about an inch, poured about a teaspoon or so of lemon juice in there. For five minutes I shook the bottle like crazy nonstop. For the next hour I shook every ten minutes for a minute. Between shakes I kept the bottle in ice water. I then filtered and drank. Effects took about three hour to become really noticeable.

The second time I just started with cold water, but didn't keep the bottle in ice water between shakes.

That, the extreme variables in seed contents, and the difference in dosage could explain my different results.


New Member
yeaa, didn't try the's just sitting here still. i'll prob pour it out later, if i don't get more seeds anytime soon

scraped the pipe tonight....

ahem...correction- I broke a cracked/half broken pipe and scraped out a 3 gram ball of resin. ahh.

the crack of weed :mrgreen:

it's one of those nights
Oh yeah I hate those nights man. I try to keep a little side items I don't use, or, probably shouldn't use, daily for nights like that. Something along the lines of various legal rcs.


Well-Known Member
It'll help you relax and probably put you to sleep. Since you have no prior experience at all with opiates (no tolerance) you should feel some light effects from it. No point in just throwing it out, could have just stayed home and smoked your cash instead :lol: