First off, buy a bubbler. They're like $10, plus another $10 for hose and cheap airstone.
I wouldn't add molasses if you can't bubble. It'd probably be fine, but bubbling makes a huge difference, it's all about the effects of high-dissolved oxygen content on liquid organic matter.
You CAN topdress EWC, as Rrog said, but it's better to bubble. You'll experience noticeably better results, I've seen that first hand, and top-dressing EWC has disadvantages. I even filter the actual solid material from my bubbled EWC teas out before feeding. What happens is that the EWC forms a layer on top of your medium that can get pretty cakey, impede future watering, make it harder for the medium to take on water, especially on longer grows, etc.
I use Bio-Bizz nutrients, Especially the Alg-A-Mic, Fish Mix, Bio-Grow, and TopMax. I use 1TB/gallon for every feeding, and I'll combine the Bio-Grow/Fish-Mix/Alg-A-Mic at 1TB/gallon of EACH and bubble then feed. Never had better results, never seen any negative effects. This is over literally countless grows, different strains, different mediums, but always organic.
Good growing