Brexit Official

And to think it all started with the greed of Wall Street..yet we still vote for oligarchy.

The banks haven't been lending since 2007 and certainly NOT to John Q. Public.

Unless money is outlawed in politics, it will always be this way, neverending.

I have to laugh at those poor dumb fucks leaving the House yesterday as one from their sit-in or whatever you called that mess..asking why you can't get legislation for the least little Ammendments of mandatory background checks and no fly; no buy. Tell me how you can really dispute selling arms to someone on the Terrorism Watchlist..tell me.

They act as if they have no clue; what an insult to our intelligence.

Yeah that's it, lawmakers..just keep holding hands, singing Kumbaya.

No one is going to help you, especially HRH..I mean..HRC.

Sanders still has my vote.

You keep doing that, doesn't it hurt when you try to talk out of both sides of your mouth at once?

Bernie VOTED continuously FOR "big banks" and Wall Street, when he voted multiple times to fund the military industrial complex and to raise the debt ceiling.

Was thinking the same thing but have not found any deals yet, the UK sellers are still high.
Better off w J. bean and Great lakes here, or Sannie. Haven't ordered from Attitude in years, I do still have a bunch of coffee mugs tho
Was thinking the same thing but have not found any deals yet, the UK sellers are still high.
Better off w J. bean and Great lakes here, or Sannie. Haven't ordered from Attitude in years, I do still have a bunch of coffee mugs tho
Yeah they sent me that email, just thought I'd share just in case some people didn't know. Yeah, its nice avoiding customs altogether. I still haven't tried james bean co. but I'd like to give them a try one day.