Brian Williams


Well-Known Member
you can't knock down shit, old man thesaurus-raper.

you bought the benghazi bullshit, your climate change "hoax" predictions are failing as each year passes, and obama is succeeding wildly. he is more popular at this point in his presidency than reagan was.

you're an old stupid retard.

and yes, you are racist.
Lol, that is your best refutation?
Too easy.
Name calling is supposedly outlawed...except when it originates from lefties.


Well-Known Member
you can't knock down shit, old man thesaurus-raper.

you bought the benghazi bullshit, your climate change "hoax" predictions are failing as each year passes, and obama is succeeding wildly. he is more popular at this point in his presidency than reagan was.

you're an old stupid retard.

and yes, you are racist.

Really, I know it`s the huff and puff but it`s a poll that says otherwise....even though it`s almost two years old,....not much has changed.


Well-Known Member
Lol, that is your best refutation?
Too easy.
Name calling is supposedly outlawed...except when it originates from lefties.
yep, it's a massive conspiracy to persecute you, just like benghazi, climate change, and community organizers.


Well-Known Member
a two year old poll to refute my facts about obama's approval rating at the 6 year mark?

you are dumber than all holy fuck.

Well two years ago, almost, 58% of the polled said the preferred Regan over Obama. I thought you might like that, sorry it made you mad, that was after his gigantic so called landslide you speak of,...No Buck, I don`t believe what you said because of that example....sorry to upset you. It wasn`t meant to.


Well-Known Member
Well two years ago, almost, 58% of the polled said the preferred Regan over Obama. I thought you might like that, sorry it made you mad, that was after his gigantic so called landslide you speak of,...No Buck, I don`t believe what you said because of that example....sorry to upset you. It wasn`t meant to.
6 years into their terms, obama is mor epopular than reagan was.

does that make you sad?


Well-Known Member
Buck, why you gotta ruin every thread that I start? Go stalk up some new photos of Fin's sister for me...and hurry up with my weed!


Well-Known Member
Does anyone still trust this lying piece of crap?
I feel this is getting blown way out of proportion, he didn't lie while reporting the news this was on the late show. Also didn't Fox news just get busted lying about no go zones in France on the network? Like actually getting sued for it? Hell I think they're even lying about lying about no go zones. Half the network should be shitcanned if we're going to start pointing fingers at bullshit.



Well-Known Member
If it is good enough for Hillary it should be good enough for Jennings....

Someone find that britney crybaby meme and change the words to leave Jennings alone!!


Well-Known Member
After thinking about it, personally I dont care. I dont care if he lied or not or what is going to be done about it.

The issue goes down to honesty and credibility. I believe that network news television lost those credentials a long time ago. So, for me nothing has changed except verification of what I already believed.

The fundamental problem for the network is if they keep this guy they lose credibility with the 17 people that actually watch them. And that is the problem for them.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad this happened.. Now more people will wake up to what lying pieces of crap the networks are.. So much of it is lies, manipulation and propaganda.. They call it TV "programming" for a reason.

Ever see the video from the first Iraq war on CNN that was shot completely in a studio?
