Brick Weed

Killa Man

Well-Known Member
i dont know what brick weed u guys smoke but that stuff looks dank...oh yeh i had some wicked grasssy brick weed once...homegrown in vt


Well-Known Member
I heard you could brick weed using a trash compactor, so yeah, I imagine the huge ops just use industrial compactors, or someone else said you could do like a vacuum seal, you know when you suck all the air out of the packaging how it compresses shit? Like have you seen those infomercials for the vacuum sealer storage things, that will like compress all your blankets ad shit down to nothing?


Well-Known Member
I heard you could brick weed using a trash compactor, so yeah, I imagine the huge ops just use industrial compactors, or someone else said you could do like a vacuum seal, you know when you suck all the air out of the packaging how it compresses shit? Like have you seen those infomercials for the vacuum sealer storage things, that will like compress all your blankets ad shit down to nothing?
Yeah but I get weed in the mail a lot from a buddy. He vacuum seals it flat and puts it in standard envelopes. When you take it out it fluffs right back up. So I don't think that vacuum sealing permanently compresses it. When I first started growing my friends saw me with all these perfect buds and after a while they were like "Dude! Is this homegrown?!". I would deny it but I bought one of those vacuum machines and before I would bring bud I would vacuum seal it to crush it a bit so it did not look so "homegrown" when my buddies and I would smoke out.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
everywhere i have gone "brick weed" i mean Schwag is compressed weed, smell like shit, tastes like shit, doesn't get me high and full of sticks and seeds. i hate it! i would rather not get high then smoke that shit... imo


Well-Known Member
im telling you you just cause its bricked dosnt mean its not bad, i just bot a cut of sum reggs that were bricked for 20 bucks and i didnt find one seed in the whole cuttie

no shitting, its not as pleasant as sum dank cuz its old and has traveled thousands of miles, but it still gets the job done


Well-Known Member
Watercure that brick weed and it is smokable. Guy I know was getting 1/2's for $40. He would water cure it for a week and vape it - trust me - it is a good thing.


Well-Known Member
:odayum sounds like you got some good shit there, i wished i had the hookup like ur friend does, shes lucky but i quite enjoy brick weed (and sometimes prefer it) myself. I like tokin it on my pipe all day long, I have found no greater pleasure in life than an arrested development of a great high.

all your stress sacks are belong to me, thank you! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
everywhere i have gone "brick weed" i mean Schwag is compressed weed, smell like shit, tastes like shit, doesn't get me high and full of sticks and seeds. i hate it! i would rather not get high then smoke that shit... imo
Agreed. All I can say Is I would rather stay away its suppose to help me not hurt me!


Well-Known Member
Hey NG...

I didn't read the whole thread.. but I have a bit of experience with bricks...

I spent the first half of my life in South America... and we get a lot of that...

In the south, most of it comes from Paraguay...

So hard we use saws to grind it to a powder to roll it...

50g in a match box (the wooden ones)

250g in a pack of cigarettes...

They hang dry for a week and pack them whole...

A big problem that can happen is ammonia build up... mold is the second biggest...

even if it was quality when it started... the process turns it to crap.. but it is much easier to haul a few tons around that way...

Hope I was not far off... but that is my experience with it...

as for how... now days, hydraulic presses have replaced donkeys riding in a circle.... turning a press...

I'll see if someone can send a picture from down south...




Well-Known Member
Brick weed is usually the retarded cousin of mids and highs. Most of the time it gives me a so so hour of up and a migraine after. After you get rid of the stems and seeds, one oz becomes 3/4 of an oz.

If only the mari was taken to full maturity, wasn't molested by the males, and was cultivated with care.......


Well-Known Member
Hey NG...

I didn't read the whole thread.. but I have a bit of experience with bricks...

I spent the first half of my life in South America... and we get a lot of that...

In the south, most of it comes from Paraguay...

So hard we use saws to grind it to a powder to roll it...

50g in a match box (the wooden ones)

250g in a pack of cigarettes...

They hang dry for a week and pack them whole...

A big problem that can happen is ammonia build up... mold is the second biggest...

even if it was quality when it started... the process turns it to crap.. but it is much easier to haul a few tons around that way...

Hope I was not far off... but that is my experience with it...

as for how... now days, hydraulic presses have replaced donkeys riding in a circle.... turning a press...

I'll see if someone can send a picture from down south...


Very cool thanks Gypsy! Some real knowledge right there! Wow! They pack it small too! Pics would be awesome!

Ok so NG's 1st Brick weed smoke report:
We smoked about a gram in my bong with my bro. The taste was not that bad but the later the smoke got the more chlorophyl harshness comes through. Smell of the bud was kind of grassy but still a little piney. Lots of small undeveloped seeds and crushed developed seeds.
So the high, is not bad! I've smoked better for sure but its a nice up high and its been about and hour. Seems to be fading a bit already though, Ill add more to the report later. I'm going to the headshop to get a new grinder.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok brick weed high update . . . been about two hours still high. Rolled up a fatty smoking it now got a nice trippy high going. Its slowing me down . . .this J of brick is pretty harsh and tastes bad though. But yeah I pretty high . . . . ahhhhh brick weed :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hey NG...

I didn't read the whole thread.. but I have a bit of experience with bricks...

I spent the first half of my life in South America... and we get a lot of that...

In the south, most of it comes from Paraguay...

So hard we use saws to grind it to a powder to roll it...

50g in a match box (the wooden ones)

250g in a pack of cigarettes...

They hang dry for a week and pack them whole...

A big problem that can happen is ammonia build up... mold is the second biggest...

even if it was quality when it started... the process turns it to crap.. but it is much easier to haul a few tons around that way...

Hope I was not far off... but that is my experience with it...

as for how... now days, hydraulic presses have replaced donkeys riding in a circle.... turning a press...

I'll see if someone can send a picture from down south...


at first i didnt want to move...

Wow bro! It's brickey:mrgreen: Looks less compressed than mine. I put some in my grinder and it was so stuck together it did not grind nice and fluffy like buds. Do you have these problems:eyesmoke: or do you use a different grinder? Wow brick weed really is like a mystery bag . . . I should start a seed company called "Brick" and breed some bomb ass strains from brick weed seeds. I bet you could find some nice phenotypes in that random selection of seeds. Mostly satvia but I could blend in some established indica genetics.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes the brick is so tight, like there are layers..about half a cm thing i always wondered how that was pulled off..but this stuff is ok seedy yes but better deal than the dro around by far


Well-Known Member
I have seen "lower pressure" bricks that you can pick apart... but down there that is local weed from the rural areas...

The commercial shit is about as easy to peel apart as a 2 x 4 (piece of wood)...

Pressed so hard that when you use a saw grind some crumbs you actually polish the surface....

You could throw a 100g block into the hard concrete as hard as you humanly could, and nothing about the block would change... well, maybe a dent...

But that is just what I know... and that is less than enough for a complete picture...

But if you're thinking "prensado" from the fevelas in Rio de Janeiro, this is it....

Nice thread... and you should totally do it NG...

I have been to fields as far as the human vision allows, 360 degrees of 10 to 14 footers.... with huge fox tails on them...

Fresh, we call Manga Rosa... because it smells like ripe mangos...

Big plants with big buds... beautiful thing...

Cabrobro in the NE of Brazil is famous for it's never ending fields...

