
Well-Known Member
how many days did they take
one took 7.5 the other took 8...

the problem i think i had is i thought it
was ok to mist the TAKE ROOT powder
off after a day of application...

after taking other cuts that i didnt mist
cuttings stem i am already seeing roots
starting in only 3days of taking cuts

so as i gather more information i am
seeing that the rooting powder staying on the cuts longer is a key
in having fast roots


Well-Known Member
What other ways have you tried brick? To compare. Any idea what makes this faster?
ive tried a bubblecloner that
was custom built and didnt
work at all, tried soil but
that was hit or miss

with papper cloning u
have easier access to the
cutting at all times


Well-Known Member
mine are about 8 or 9 days since cut i forgot for sure but the cuts are still green but no roots yet i will wait for another week to see if anything happens


Well-Known Member
well the leaves are always wet cuz of the humidity, and maby im keepin my paper to wet, i will put some pics up soon as i can, the napkins dont drip water off when picked up so their not soaked but still pretty wet