Bridgelux EB Gen 2 Thermals

Holy smokes you had all of that going in one 2x3 space? That's incredible and I can see how you had to move a couple plants out seeing as just one plant in my tent already feels like it is packed. Have you posted a picture of your light anywhere? I'd love to see it and a friend of mine has been asking about helping her build her own light. I might consider building myself a new light and bumping up the power a bit since I'm still kinda on the low end of "optimum" and I could just sell her mine.
I'll see if i can upload some pics when i get home, shit got crazy real fast. this time around i'm running 4 plants only all the way through because I want a gr/w meassurement that I can trust. full disclosure in my last grow i didn't run them all the time at 300w in the beggining i was at 180w then at 200w then at 250w and finished at 300 for the last 2 week of flower. this time around it's full steam 300w all the way through.
Yeah I did that same thing my first grow with this light, and the previous grows as well, but this time I went full 100% from the first 12/12 day on. These things draw so little power, what's an extra 10 cents a day over trying to get just the right amount of light (which probably isn't enough). I figure this way it helps everything grow a little, even if it is shaded! Seems to be working ok and no heat stress that I can tell. Yours definitely paid off!
12/12? i'm on 20/4 forgot to say that on my previous post. yeah these lights pay for themselves, low consumption & stupid yields. honestly wonder why we don't see comercial california grows using this tech. at least none of them that have posted grow room tours, they all seem to be using LEC
[QUOTE = "garyocampo, post: 15083025, membro: 961123"] solo un po 'di follow-up sulla mia ultima crescita con 300 watt su 2 per 3.
1 pianta ha prodotto 150 g
1 pianta ha prodotto 130 g
1 pianta 80
1 pianta 125
e gli altri 2 dovevo trasferirmi in un'altra tenda perché era imballata lì dentro. un giorno rimuovi alcune foglie e il prossimo sei di nuovo ad avere una giungla, impressionante. [/ PREVENTIVO]

Hi ,, 480g of dried flowers?