Bridgelux Vero 29 LED Test

Here is an update on growth from this morning to now, approx 12 hours.


This morning I could only see 2 little roots, now 3 are standing and 2 more are almost lifting and one is still hiding, this could be the seed that didn't want to sink when I was soaking them, I hope it pulls through, I cant see it maybe its doing its thing under the soil.

I don't really know when to take the tops of and let the light shine on them, I guess when I see green, but does the light help even when they still have their little hats on?

Also how wet should the first inch of the soil be?
Let the dirt dry out before watering. I've found that keeping the soil wet for days on end is never the best.

Since pretty much all of them have sprouted I'd say leave the tops off. They don't need much light at all right now, but w/e, let them get used to their surroundings.
So this morning I got up and checked on the little ones, I thought some look so big I will go for it and leave the tops off today. I turned the lights really low I think about .15 amps, given that 6 is the max I think that's low, but the chamber remained pretty illuminated and turned the fans up a little maybe 15 Volts, I think about 1.5 cups of water was added to the plastic base and humidity was 50%..


I came home and the soil again looked really dry, you could slightly see light brown on the top. The white root/stock look smaller then the morning, thy had lost the tinny little hairs that they had but also slightly more green and just a little violet at the bend. I think one or two of the taller ones drooped a little but the suspect seed now looks the strongest, smashing out straight up almost. This was by far the deepest seed and I think it has a much better foundation then the other, so maybe all the energy so going to the baby leaves?


The shots above are after I just made some "Pico" or small little adjustments to the light, fans, water and anything else I do or think off while attending to them :lol:

Tonight I might make some more pico adjustments....



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Came home today and it all looks good. The plastic tray was empty and the humidity was about 47%. Two of them now, where just pushing there leaves out of the seeds, I filled the tray up with about 1 and a half cups of water. I got some plastic cups and I placed one over the weakest, little guys root/stock look really dry and thin and then the two other cups on the ones still hiding in their seeds. I had them running at 2 amps of power all day. I dripped some water on each one, just two or three right on the head. I turned the power up to 3 amps and left them for about 45 min...


The biggest one really spread out after this, lets call the little one, Indie. Indies leaves look good, I think. Right in the middle you can see I tiny set of new ones forming, Indies stock is nice and straight, a deep dark red purple in color with tiny little hairs, just at the base you can see it turn a little green with no hair and just falls into the dark black soil. Indies sibling Baby, hasten spread out yet and has much the same coloring. You can see the bottoms of Babys leaves and they are the same dark red purple as Indie and Babys stems. The others are very light green still.


I had blown into each cup to fog them up and then placed them on each. I think the little extra CO2 might help a little, and put a little drop of water on each one, going to leave the lights up on 3 amps the rest of the night I think but surely I will make some PICO adjustments before bed ;-)



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I just got a few shots in before work, I think Baby is the strongest now, a little taller than Indie. I was just able to free another one from the seed, going to name this one Panasonic, after the old Panasonic F1 race team I used to follow, the first year I really started watching the sport. (Super excited about the race this week and, its be 4 weeks for fuck sake!) Not much change to the un-opened sprouts but the larger leafed ones are really going strong.

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Last night I ended up turning the lights down a little about, 2.25 amps and did leave the tops on. The humidity is starting to get low now, 43% I think. I realized it is the fan I have blowing on the rack from the outside. The more I have this one going the less humidity there is. I have but a little more water in the bottom plastic tray and going to do today with the cups off, except for the one on struggle street. With the out side fan off, the lights at 2.75 amps, water level about 5 millimeters and the inside fans at about 22 volts, I will see how well today works for them.

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My work over the last two days.


And here are some pictures :)


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I don't think they are listed on the website. I talked with the guys there are he recommended these, he knows the grower and said he has really good genetics plus he is local and so is Harborside, I think they have one of the largest selection of clones and seeds in the area.


I don't really know much more about them, I think its strong indica?
Are you anywhere near? A few of the people really couldn't give you the time of the day but there is one guy that works in the clones and seed section who really knows his stuff, I will try and get his name and you can ask for him next time if you want.
No, don't go out of your way. They must be selling all they have by word of mouth, and haven't needed to make up a product page.

Since I haven't physically seen it growing and/or smoked it that doesn't help me.

I'm the kind of person (educated consumer) who wants sufficient 411 to make a purchasing decision
That's cool, when this is finishes up I will try as best I can to review the strain.

These sprouts seem to be a darker green then most of the other ones I have been looking at, I have had the lights up at full power for about a day and a half, right now I am letting them rest with just a little bit of light and a lot of air flow.

It looks like after I moved the last one that had not sprouted, further under the soil it is really starting to recover, little leaves are just poking through now.


I will only let them rest for about another hour and then lights back up.
So the last two days have been pretty relaxed, I transplanted or moved 5 seedlings to bigger pots and I now have the sixth seed sprouting, I plan on moving this one to the bigger pot to. I got some quick pictures in before work.

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Seems to be they are growing maybe half an inch wider every night right now and maybe a 1/4 taller. I have the lights at about 5 amps and 38 volts, so the LED's are displacing about 190 watts. I gave them about a 2-3 hour rest each of the last two days and I will probably do the same tonight.
Some quick shots from this morning, I didn't take any last night but I did give them each about 1/4 cup of water and let them rest for 2 and a half hours. They had about 5 amps of power all day and then, after the rest I had them at about 6 amps and 40 volts throughout the night, so about 240 watts of power was being displaced by the LED's.

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I think they are not getting much taller, maybe a few millimeters throughout the night but definitely spreading out. You can see the second set of new leaves lifting up from the middle in between the main set. I think when these expand the baby leaves will be out of action and start to wilt over. They are very uniform right now and seem to be very health IMO. Today will be the first day they wont get fresh water in the morning. The soil after the night was starting to dry, as you can see in the pictures. I did mist in a little clean water over them before I left and the lights will be run at just under 5 amps today. I don't want them to over heat and the humidity has been a little higher as of late, water in the air from the rain we just had. I will check soil moisture later today and add maybe a little water before the night, possibly in the resting phase.
Managed to grab some more quick pictures this morning, they are looking pretty good I think. We transplanted Charley into the bigger pot last night, everything else was going normal. I started the resting or night phase of the day earlier then yesterday about 7:30pm and gave them about 3 hours. Temps during the day are getting up to about 92-93 F, I hope this is not to hot, I changed a few ventilation fans around the rack and this should bring the temp down.

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It looks like most of the energy is now going into the next stage or creating the next level of leaves, as the next set is separating from the main set moving up as you can see in the pictures. They all seem to be with in the same stage of development, some slightly further along then others but size wise, the ones that where stronger to begin with are much bigger.

From some of the reading I have been doing, these high temps might be ok or even better because of the intense light they are getting. Supposedly the more light you have, up to a point the higher you can go with temp, actually increasing growth, can anybody speculate on this? Lots of people say to add CO2 with temps like this, I might look into that for the next grow. When the lights go off, the temp drops to about 81-82 F and when it gets late, the lowest point would be about 77-78 F. During the day humidity is about 35-45%, depending on how wet the soil is, and at night I let it come up to about 55-60%. Everything is super clean, wiped down with alcohol and left to dry, so I hope this helps prevent fungus and mold issues.
This morning I got some more shots, they all seem to be going well. You can now see the start of the first three lobe leaves coming through on Baby, Pana and Indie.

Same deal as yesterday, came home, little water, lights off for the rest, temp down about 10-12 F and then lights back on after a bout 2.5-3 hours.

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I will rotate them once a day for the most even light distribution. The main vein on the biggest set of leaves looks a little pale in color, I wonder is this is normal?
Ease up on the water, imo. They already look a little stressed. See how the leaves are sagging a little and not "reaching up" for the light? Also, the sharp edges on the leaves are a little rounded and larger than they should be. Otherwise the plants look healthy to me. Your temps sound fine. You start eekin' around 100 degrees and you'll start to see heat stress, so just make sure you've got things under control. Lucky for us, things are just about to start cooling off outside... I hope.
Ease up on the water, imo. They already look a little stressed. See how the leaves are sagging a little and not "reaching up" for the light? Also, the sharp edges on the leaves are a little rounded and larger than they should be. Otherwise the plants look healthy to me. Your temps sound fine. You start eekin' around 100 degrees and you'll start to see heat stress, so just make sure you've got things under control. Lucky for us, things are just about to start cooling off outside... I hope.

Thanks for the heads up. Its hard for me to judge how much water they need. I had just dripped water on them before those pictures I don't know if its bad or good to do that. I watched a lot of time laps videos of growing and sometimes you see they drip water on the leaves and they fall a little and then suck the water up or it drys and then the leave push back up. I think I was trying to mimic that action in a attempt to help them grow.

With temps up in the 90's high many hours would you go between watering and is the top layer of soil fine to dry out completely? Yes I cant wait for the cooler climate again :)