Bring back the draft


Well-Known Member
Bringing back the draft will provide an incentive for a generation to have a vested interest in foreign policy of the nation, and ideally, change it.

Richard Nixon was finally able to stop all war protesters in the future by listening to Milton Freedman by changing it to a "volunteer" (try to quit) army. Allowing for mass progandization of future generations. This is a far bigger problem than having a draft, because there can be descent for wars if we're all equally subjected to the possibility of going to war.
My issue with a draft is that it forces people to fight a war they dont believe is right.

Alot of people already join the service for the incentives given rather than patriotic reasons.

The only way i would agree with a draft is if the battle was on our soil. Defense of our country is one thing, growing the American World Police is another.

We spend morw on our military than the rest of the world combined and we mainly just meddle in other countries buisness.
Bring back critical thinking in schools .
Critically thinking of government will not happen in public schools.

I explain it like this:
It's widely accepted that privately funded schools indoctrinate religion. One would even argue that is the point. So why wouldn't publicly funded schools indoctrinate government? Oh sure there are "other classes" in each but the underlying agendas are there. For better or worse.
My issue with a draft is that it forces people to fight a war they dont believe is right.

Alot of people already join the service for the incentives given rather than patriotic reasons.

It doesn't force you. Muhammid Ali went to jail instead. People fled to Canada. There was even a loophole that if you were in college you couldn't be, which is an example of institutionalized racism in government that is the real social problem not this bullshit idea that all white people are evil colonists. Nope I'm not oppressed, other than being taxes and robbed by federal reserve which seems won't end until my brothers and sisters who had nomads for ancestors instead of farmers after whatever major even occurred back in some known millennia.

The only reason to join military other than patriotism boils down essentially to an economic draft.... Ie couldn't get a better job anywhere else for a number of and/or various reasons.
Forcing people to go to other countries to kill people they have no issues with certainly seems like more of a communist policy imo.
3/4 of the military already feel forced to join because its the only available job in town anyway.
Perhaps if there was an actual event or reason that hit north americans you wouldnt need a draft people would feel compelled to join because they wanted too and would probably make better soldiers anyway.
The point of this thread is being missed as I feared it would.

Explain to me, anyone. How do you force someone to kill another person? Mk-ultra?
Forcing people to go to other countries to kill people they have no issues with certainly seems like more of a communist policy imo.
3/4 of the military already feel forced to join because its the only available job in town anyway.
Perhaps if there was an actual event or reason that hit north americans you wouldnt need a draft people would feel compelled to join because they wanted too and would probably make better soldiers anyway.

YES! Someone gets it!!!

Past generations joined the service to fight for the USA. Now, its about employment and paying for college.

Im sure some still join for patriotic reasons, but honestly when is the last time we went to war because of something that was a threat to us?

If we stopped involving ourselves in other countries shit, they would leave us alone.

Nobody in Iraq has fought for our freedom. Afghanistan was debatable, after 9/11. Yeah something had to be done but it was not the afgani govt, so it wasnt really a "war". We had no buisness in veitnam, and I dont know enough about korea to have an opinion.

WW2 we would have stayed out of without pearl harbor. After that we had to attack.
The point of this thread is being missed as I feared it would.

Explain to me, anyone. How do you force someone to kill another person? Mk-ultra?

By using the media and political agenda to damn near brainwash them, and making them feel like traitors if they dont.

I have a theory that mk ultra was abandoned because they saw how much easier it was to use the media as mind control. Less effective on an individual but more effective on mass scale.
The only way i would agree with a draft is if the battle was on our soil. Defense of our country is one thing, growing the American World Police is another.

While I understand the sentiment, this is a horrible idea.

When there is a clear and present danger to the USA, the LAST thing you would want to do is wait for them to reach our soil. As a rule, you always want a powerful enough and mobile enough military force to take the fight to them. That way it's THEIR citizens that are civilian casualties and THEIR infrastructure that is demolished.