bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

okay to start this off i want to mention the fact that i am a pot smoker myself & i love the idea of growing for free weed.
but here is my dilemma:
my boyfriend and i live in a 2 bedroom apt. i have a job and he doesnt currently. but he is trying to start a grow room. dont get me wrong, he is doing well right now. & i am NOT against the idea of what he is doing.
the thing that kinda has me on the edge about this whole idea is the fact that i am pregnant, and due in august. therefore, by the time this all starts budding and all the weed starts coming, my baby is going to be just a room over from all of this.
one of the problems is: i feel that if anything happens, they can call someone and get my child taken away from me for unsafe & illegal things happening in my home.
the other problem is: i know that his mom and my mom are going to want to come over every once in a while to help out and visit with the baby. and the fact that they may be able to smell it, or see the light from the closet, or accidentally go in that closet scares me.
another problem is: the fact that we dont exactly have the money right now to be throwing into making and keeping up with a grow room because of the many expenses of bringing a child into this world.

i would just like to know what you guys would do in a situation like this where the baby needs to come first instead of the plants.
i have tried to see this from his point of view as much as possible. but he just sees it as a hobby and a source of potential income (which could lead to getting caught, like i said).

dont care what your opinions are, just try to see it in both points of view.
thank you.

comment away.(:
i think that its more of the fact that he should be putting different priorities first. rather than spending money on this i feel that it should be spent saving to pay bills, get our car legal and try to save for the baby.


Active Member
i unserstand were your coming from being its illegal , but if a person truly loves to grow they will never stop i think you should just get him to do a small cost efficent stealth grow it wiil pay for it self as long as he doesent tell anyone you guys will be fine.

good luck crystalman
the thing is that all of his close friends, probably about 7 people know already. he has already started it. and he is telling his friends how they are gonna get some off of this plant.

ohh & not to mention the fact that we live in an apt/half of a house kinda thing. and the other half of the house is where his aunt, grandma and dad are living. and if they found out what he was doing, we would for sure be kicked out and have nowhere to go with this baby.


Active Member
Sorry about the brief answer...had a better one written out and the page messed up :|.

Im in the same boat, I spent half our oz money on grow supplies. That being said, I dont have outstanding bills..and you NEED that car.

Motivate him..tell him once the cars sorted he can start picking up some growing stuff...people have done full setups for under $100, that will be fine for personal.

The illegality of it is something to think about...but a small grow can be hidden old hollowed out set o drawers in the garage can easily be hidden from prying eyes.

Congrats on the baby, and if you guys do go ahead and have any problems let me know, I have a full sized grow on here, but I also have a small personal one that i haven't posted anything about..I could take pics and show you how small you can go :)...just pm me and ask.

Other than that, you seem to be doing the right thing..thinking of the future etc...hopefully your bf gets on board and between the 2 of you something can be arranged!

prot3us10- thank you for your opinion. an the thing is that he has already used MOST of the income tax that he earned back to buy everything for the room. he has spent WELL over one hundred dollars on this. and he just says that everything else will get paid for later. mean while, instead of looking for a new job or anything he is always concentrated on his grow closet and such.


Active Member
Argh i dont know how to word this without sounding like im a fucking douche..but basically 7 people is too many pull the room down asap..its not worth jail if you have a kid on the way...

sorry i couldnt word it more eloquently :(.



Well-Known Member
You need to tell that boy to get a job first! Then you can easily grow a single plant in an old speaker box and noone would ever know. I think that it should be OK for him to grow, IF it's kept small and out sight! Outa sight outa mind! But he's gotta have a job! I'm sorry, I know times are hard, and it's tough finding a job..... But if he isn't even looking for a job and just chillin with his grow room all day then somethings not right! He needs a reality check! Don't get me wrong, I'd wanna be growing if I was in his shoes..... But if your havin a kid, that's GOT to be #1 priority, you HAVE GOT to have a job! Sorry to say it, but flippin burgers for $7.50/hour sucks, but it's still a source of income... ya feel me?
yeah i feel you. i have been telling him to get a job and he just isnt listening to me about it. he''s actually on here all the time. he has an account & thats how i know about this site. i have been reading everything you guys are saying and he just doesnt give a shit.


Well-Known Member
yeah i feel you. i have been telling him to get a job and he just isnt listening to me about it. he''s actually on here all the time. he has an account & thats how i know about this site. i have been reading everything you guys are saying and he just doesnt give a shit.
fuck him off then m8 your ina country that will take your kid away for that poxy 4plant grow thats almost as fucked up as ya mans mentality!


Active Member
Its not that simple, this girl is having a baby...yea the father isnt stellar right now, but a lot of guys are asshats until they realize what they have to lose. Just hope he realizes before hes already lost it!

Shame need to put your baby before a few grams of your girl you care...

4 plants in a closet isnt gonna be much..

If he was my friend in real life, i would have knocked him out for not getting that car fixed...i mean cmon you need to be able to get to docs etc.


(if you werent pregnant it would be different!)


Well-Known Member
prot3us10- thank you for your opinion. an the thing is that he has already used MOST of the income tax that he earned back to buy everything for the room. he has spent WELL over one hundred dollars on this. and he just says that everything else will get paid for later. mean while, instead of looking for a new job or anything he is always concentrated on his grow closet and such.
If he were running a business he'd be out of one soon. Setting up a small $100 grow space should not cost him so much time. If it were simply a matter of materials and supplies, yes, he can double or triple his money in a matter of months... that's only IF he gets it right.

If he spends less time working on his grow space and spends more time looking for and working a job he'll have more money to spend on pot, and more money to invest in a grow space that's worth his time.

However, throw a baby into the mix... growing full scale is far from legal. Unless you're a medical patient in a MMJ state, it's downright risky business. Risky business requires a considerable return, otherwise it's not worth the risk.

I agree with HookdOnChronics, this is clearly a priorities thing. If he truly wants to take care of a baby, grow pot, and smoke it too, there is clearly only one option: MAKE SOME DAMN MONEY FIRST TO DO IT WITH!!! He doesn't need sacrifice everything in his life for a tiny $100 grow op.


New Member
Welcome to real life...there are many things waaay more important than pot. Even if he looks for a job, with him smoking he has to worry about piss tests and shit. I have not seen 1 good reason for this grow, but many bad ones. 1) Get busted 2) lose child 3) kicked out of the house. Positives? Shit this is a no brainer. Tell your man to man up and be a responsible dad. Stop the MJ use for now, get a job and work toward the goal to get ur own place. This is the big league now. Tell him you love him but you are scared. He should come around, he just needs that kick in the ass to wake him up that he is the foundation of a new family and that others now depend on him. If he really doesn't give a shit than you may have to make a decision as to where you are in all this.


Well-Known Member
WoW! I just wrote alot on marijuana use during pregnancy because of what matticus said, and everthing fucked up and it's all gone! I'm so fucking agrivated right now!

The gist of it: There has been no scientific evidence to conclude that using marijuana during pregnancy has any negative effects on the baby. The closest andbody has come that I've seen is mere speculation. It is the smoke in general that is bad for the baby, just like ANY kind of smoke would be, not the marijuana. It would be perfectly alright to have a tincture, or edible, or have a little vape session while your pregnate for nausia or whatever. After every 'fact' you read saying it's not ok to do, you will see some parenthesis and the fallowing (There is no evidence so far, however ect...) They are always, ALWAYS using words like "might" or "sometimes" or "maybe" nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to marijuana use during pregnancy.

Here, matticus, go read this: Then go read all the coments underneath it... You'll catch what I'm talking about.

Sorry to get off topic here BongBitch420, it just really agrivates me when someone tells someone to do something (or not to do something for that matter) just because they 'THINK' it is either correct, or incorrect.....

I went with a friend who was pregnate to the doc for a check up. She told the doc that she like to smoke cannabis, and it helps with the nausia. The doctor said to both of us, to our faces, that there has been no conclusive evidence to support the fact that marijuana usage during pregnancy is bad for the baby. This coming from an MD, I believe him.....

Anyways, sorry again to get off topic!
Tell you BF he needs to get his priorities straight.
I hope everything works out fantastically for you! I really do!


P.S. Is it a boy or a girl?


Active Member
I can relate to your situation, totally. When I was pregnant, my (now husband) acted like he was still a teenager. He didn't seem to understand a few months...WE were going to be parents. After the baby came he kept working very occasionally - and would blow all the money on himself more often then not. Many a Sunday morning he would show up - broke - with no explanation as to where his paycheck went.

The good news is that one day it clicked for him. I can't tell you when it happened - sometime at the end of year one. He got his crap together and became a responsible parent.

The point of my message is this...until he gets his crap together, You and only You are the parent. You are the final word on anything that effects the family including money, transportation and housing. You need to operate like a parent of 2 kids - he is your oldest.

You are not being unreasonable and being tough doesn't make you a bitch. It makes you a mom. Don't let him turn it into just another case of you killing his should kill his buzz...he has a baby on the way and no job?

Yes, I have a kid and I grow weed. But my kid is old enough that I am comfortable with the situation and have clear limitations. I'm also a licensed medical grower with a full time career.

Anyway...just a little advice from a mother of kid is 7 and one kid is 50!

Good Luck...feel free to PM me anytime!

I can relate to your situation, totally. When I was pregnant, my (now husband) acted like he was still a teenager. He didn't seem to understand a few months...WE were going to be parents. After the baby came he kept working very occasionally - and would blow all the money on himself more often then not. Many a Sunday morning he would show up - broke - with no explanation as to where his paycheck went.

The good news is that one day it clicked for him. I can't tell you when it happened - sometime at the end of year one. He got his crap together and became a responsible parent.

The point of my message is this...until he gets his crap together, You and only You are the parent. You are the final word on anything that effects the family including money, transportation and housing. You need to operate like a parent of 2 kids - he is your oldest.

You are not being unreasonable and being tough doesn't make you a bitch. It makes you a mom. Don't let him turn it into just another case of you killing his should kill his buzz...he has a baby on the way and no job?

Yes, I have a kid and I grow weed. But my kid is old enough that I am comfortable with the situation and have clear limitations. I'm also a licensed medical grower with a full time career.

Anyway...just a little advice from a mother of kid is 7 and one kid is 50!

Good Luck...feel free to PM me anytime!

it says that i am not able to message you. but thank you so much. i really needed to hear that.
i guess my question here is, what do you do in the meantime of waiting for him to get his shit together?


Active Member
WoW! I just wrote alot on marijuana use during pregnancy because of what matticus said, and everthing fucked up and it's all gone! I'm so fucking agrivated right now!

The gist of it: There has been no scientific evidence to conclude that using marijuana during pregnancy has any negative effects on the baby. The closest andbody has come that I've seen is mere speculation. It is the smoke in general that is bad for the baby, just like ANY kind of smoke would be, not the marijuana. It would be perfectly alright to have a tincture, or edible, or have a little vape session while your pregnate for nausia or whatever. After every 'fact' you read saying it's not ok to do, you will see some parenthesis and the fallowing (There is no evidence so far, however ect...) They are always, ALWAYS using words like "might" or "sometimes" or "maybe" nothing is ever set in stone when it comes to marijuana use during pregnancy.

Here, matticus, go read this: Then go read all the coments underneath it... You'll catch what I'm talking about.

Sorry to get off topic here BongBitch420, it just really agrivates me when someone tells someone to do something (or not to do something for that matter) just because they 'THINK' it is either correct, or incorrect.....

I went with a friend who was pregnate to the doc for a check up. She told the doc that she like to smoke cannabis, and it helps with the nausia. The doctor said to both of us, to our faces, that there has been no conclusive evidence to support the fact that marijuana usage during pregnancy is bad for the baby. This coming from an MD, I believe him.....

Anyways, sorry again to get off topic!
Tell you BF he needs to get his priorities straight.
I hope everything works out fantastically for you! I really do!


P.S. Is it a boy or a girl?


Our family doctor told us himself that weed is better than the anti nausea pills and hospital stays for drips and stuff. We did a google search when my fiancee got pregnant and medical sites seem to say its fine, while its the pot forums that say not to do it...

Go with the doctors not the forums.