Hey everyone, my names Jack
Im a huge fan of the site and the sense of camaraderie.
Heres my situation :
I got some seeds in some green I had, roughly 10 seeds. Ive no idea what type of green it is, but ive got two plants growing in two different plant pots ( 5 seeds in each)(I dont think they are even the same kind of green).
Its been about 2 months now and they are quite small by comparison to the online research and some of the links on here have shown me. Im worried about their growth and development.
I bought some compost a week ago and that seems to have helped alot because it was just soil from outside I was using previously.
Ive got a powerful lamp of some kind that my friend gave me, i think its 400w.
I watched a documentary that someone linked in another newbie section :
I found it really useful, but alot of the small things where missed out that i needed to know. Such as :
where can i get those little cubes for small plants?
Do i spray the plants with distilled water or carbonated water? (i got a bit confused at that part).
And what nutrients should I use, and where can i find them?
Also, he said that temperature was an issue but only refered to 95F being the killing point, he didnt mention the opposite spectrum of what colder tempteratures would be the limit for the plants survival. ( its more of a concern for me considering I live in england )
I fairly certain one of my plants is female ( because of little white hairs developing arround the joint sections), im not sure about the other one.
They have been growing over 2 months now... Plant number 1 (the female) is approx. 7 inches tall with nice leaves. Plant 2 (not sure if its male or not) is about 10 inches tall with small leaves and doesnt look that healthy.
I need to know what to do now, what enviroments they need for best growth, what nutrients to buy ( expensive ones are out of the question as im a poor poor student) and what can assist them for this part of their life.
Im going to try and give them 18 hours of light every day... i think the female may have started to bud however.
Should I water them 3 times a day with small measurements. or should i occasionally starve them of water as I read a few times that starving them for a few days increases the root growth and then massively increases plant growth when you start to re water them?
p.s. I have an attic that I could use
Thankyou all
Im a huge fan of the site and the sense of camaraderie.
Heres my situation :
I got some seeds in some green I had, roughly 10 seeds. Ive no idea what type of green it is, but ive got two plants growing in two different plant pots ( 5 seeds in each)(I dont think they are even the same kind of green).
Its been about 2 months now and they are quite small by comparison to the online research and some of the links on here have shown me. Im worried about their growth and development.
I bought some compost a week ago and that seems to have helped alot because it was just soil from outside I was using previously.
Ive got a powerful lamp of some kind that my friend gave me, i think its 400w.
I watched a documentary that someone linked in another newbie section :
I found it really useful, but alot of the small things where missed out that i needed to know. Such as :
where can i get those little cubes for small plants?
Do i spray the plants with distilled water or carbonated water? (i got a bit confused at that part).
And what nutrients should I use, and where can i find them?
Also, he said that temperature was an issue but only refered to 95F being the killing point, he didnt mention the opposite spectrum of what colder tempteratures would be the limit for the plants survival. ( its more of a concern for me considering I live in england )
I fairly certain one of my plants is female ( because of little white hairs developing arround the joint sections), im not sure about the other one.
They have been growing over 2 months now... Plant number 1 (the female) is approx. 7 inches tall with nice leaves. Plant 2 (not sure if its male or not) is about 10 inches tall with small leaves and doesnt look that healthy.
I need to know what to do now, what enviroments they need for best growth, what nutrients to buy ( expensive ones are out of the question as im a poor poor student) and what can assist them for this part of their life.
Im going to try and give them 18 hours of light every day... i think the female may have started to bud however.
Should I water them 3 times a day with small measurements. or should i occasionally starve them of water as I read a few times that starving them for a few days increases the root growth and then massively increases plant growth when you start to re water them?
p.s. I have an attic that I could use
Thankyou all
