Britta water filter?


Well-Known Member
i live in a area that is suppose to have fairly hard water. not sure what the ppm is yet but just ordered a ppm meter. Would it be ok to use tap water that has been run through my britta filter? and do i need to do anything to the water like let it sit out 24 hours so the chemicals can evaporate? are there any tips or tricks that i should know about when choosing water? not sure if it make a diff. but will be using hydro/aerpponics.

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I water my soil plants with water through a brita water filter.. I don't let it stand or anything and doesn't give me any problems.

Don't know if it would be different for hydro/aeroponics


Well-Known Member
I would check ppm. you might have to get a RO filter.

when i check the ppm of the water what is a good range that the ppm should be in order for the water to be usable? are there any other options i dont want to have to buy a RO system unless i have to.


Well-Known Member
somebody posted a thread in here that gave you a list of proper ppm for every stage of growth and what the water should be -- ill see if i can find it but it was prob a month ago when i saw it...


Well-Known Member
somebody posted a thread in here that gave you a list of proper ppm for every stage of growth and what the water should be -- ill see if i can find it but it was prob a month ago when i saw it...

that would help too but i mean when i test my tap water that has been run through my britta filter what is a usable range the ppm should be in to even consider using it? for example should the ppm of the water be between 0-200. what would be considered to high to use?


Well-Known Member
I use a bluelab truncheon meter with the blue lights on it. when I check my ro water it doesnt even show any ppm.with young seedlings I start a ppm of 400. thats with nutes and ph'ed. when im flowering ill have ppm up to 1600.


Well-Known Member
I use a bluelab truncheon meter with the blue lights on it. when I check my ro water it doesnt even show any ppm.with young seedlings I start a ppm of 400. thats with nutes and ph'ed. when im flowering ill have ppm up to 1600.

so when i test my tap water if the ppm is under say 200 would that be ok to use( and i mean with nothing added to the tap water)?


Well-Known Member
you could use it. just keep an eye on ppm level. you dont want them to lock out. ro filter gets rid of salts, sediments, chlorine, and everything in between. check out ebay or hydrologic, they have them pretty cheap.