"Bro, Did I Hear Her Right?"


Well-Known Member
So the other day me and a friend were just having a chill at this local park, which is like this big loop walking track with a soccer field in the middle, where everyone goes for a casual sesh. Anyway, we were pretty baked and these two ladies start walking past the car on a walk. In a haze, my mate unrolls the window to listen to what they're saying. As they walk past the window we hear, "And this is where the stoners come... as you can tell" as she glances at us. We both looked at each other and I wasn't sure if I'd heard her right. I asked Tom and he confirmed, we were both in hysterics hahahaha this totally random bitch calling us stoners lol!


Active Member
I like being stoned in public, but i dont like having bud or pieces on me in public. Movies, food, mall, sporting events, concerts etc. soo much better baked. :-P