Broad mite killer


Well-Known Member
Need some help salvaging this garden about to lose one don’t wanna lose more . Have broad mites.... a member suggested avid and f4 forbid . But it’s just too expensive. And there are soooo many other brands out there . Hoping some one can give me a solution to this high dollar mite killer. it is spreading . Things I’ve done since discovery . . Cut heavily affected areas out ( which at this point just thinking of tossing this plant and calling it a total loss ) I’ve used bonide neem oil . I had it from a previous out door grow. I’ve done two applications on 3 days . Spraying both top and bottom of leaves . Sprayed stems as well . I’m sure the neem oil isn’t a fix, but more of a patch . As always thanks in advance !
Organicbti on EBAY has AVI/Floramite for sale in small quantities. $27.00 USD Buy 1/2oz Avid, get a 1/2oz of Floramite for free. I myself would only use Avid/Floramite if I wanted to 100% ERADICATE them. Use as directed, and in rotation. No way Mites will become Immune to them. Stuff is like a nuclear bomb.

Minx 2 (Avid) & FLORAMITE Spider Mite Treatment Program.
For best results use at least 2 miticides in rotation:
Bifenazate (Floramite)
Abamectin (Minx 2 / Avid)

This listing is for one bottle of each.
2 Pipets Included.

You get the same amount of each product
If you select 1/2 ounce you will get 1/2 ounce of each product (1 ounce total)
If you select 1 ounce you will get 1 ounce of each (2 ounces total)
If you select 2 ounces you will get 2 ounces of each (4 ounces total)
If you select 4 ounces you will get 4 ounces of each (8 ounces total)
Isopropyl alcohol mixed to 35% or slightly less. Add a dash of castile soap and potassium bicarbonate to ward off any mold too. It kills everything on contact. Spray every other day for a week then every third day for another week. It has always worked for me and it's cheap.

applied neem oil before lights out , left for a day and then applied rubbing alcohol water mix. Got my aza max in the mail today along with my Castile soap. I also have wettable sulfur on way. Gonna hit them with a good rotation of the few . I stripped my tent down and cleaned it wall to wall and all appliances and pots in a two step process with bleach followed by rubbing alcohol. I then dusted all the pots , soil and base stem in diatomaceous earth . Oh and a dusting on the floor . We will see what happens . My first notion was to toss everything , clean , start over . But being that I’m only on my second run it’s worth the experience to try and fight them off . If I see no change in the next couple weeks before light schedule change , I’ll cut my losses and start new . What you guys think ?