Broad mites???

haha, yeah, it's almost as good as the fact that BT enters the fungus gnat larvae through every orifice they have, the anus particularly amuses me. or was that nematodes?? ah well whatever it was its alright by me.

That would be predatory nematodes. They multiply inside and eat their way out.

Lol I love it!!!!

I'm battleing broad mites right now and from what i've been reading is that these bastards aren't going to be killed off with your normal spider mite spray like mity wash. If growing in a tent your supposed to raise the temp to 120 f for a hour because broad mites are heat sensative. Right now my symptons are basically growing out all duds that are lacking trich production and reduced the odaor to ZERO. Even after killing these guys off , they still leave a poison in the leaves from its saliva and keeps killing off the plant. suppose to water with asprine to help repair the plants tissues for nutrient uptake which I havnt done yet
I Tried everything to get rid of these things, they get into your bamboo, the grooves in the stalk. The ONLY thing that Wiped them out was the forbid.

Much rep for the info.....
Getting forbid 4f
This time I didn't loose any plants but it was close. Mighty wash does NOT work on these. I bought floramite and seen excellent results with that too but I think this forbid is gonna be the shit.
Maybe use the two in rotation so they don't build up a tolerance..
Just tossed my whole garden, had several plants affected n was not taking any chances..the damage these things do is unimaginable until you see first hand. I have never had a serious bug problem until this. Ordered some avid today n will hit got new stuff to stick in there but scared they could be lurking...would a couple hit shot pest strips clean up the empty room along with bleach water?
Just tossed my whole garden, had several plants affected n was not taking any chances..the damage these things do is unimaginable until you see first hand. I have never had a serious bug problem until this. Ordered some avid today n will hit got new stuff to stick in there but scared they could be lurking...would a couple hit shot pest strips clean up the empty room along with bleach water?
maybe set off a few bug bombs.
I just recently signed up here on this site, so this is my first post. I had to respond to this post, since I do have past experience with this demonic "broad mite". Anyone upon discovering these will have to use a microscopic lense, as they are not visible like the spider mite. And yes, Mighty Wash will kill the spider mites and some other nuances, but it will not conquer the Broad Mite. I have several years of growing knowledge for indoor gardening, and I know how it feels to see your beautiful garden infested by this evil insect, almost makes you cry and want to tear the entire garden apart and throw all your hard work away. If you have dedication, and truly love what you do (growing cannabis), then there is a solution, but it takes alot of effort and persistance, but I will tell you they can be destroyed. I have had them both on clones that I bought, and on seed startings, and I have beat these bastards both times, and now my garden is once again rid of the Broad Mite.

So here goes. If you are growing close to what I have, then you can base the manpower and time it will take if your garden is smaller or larger. I grow 48 plants at a time, usually just one strain, no mixes. My plants got infected around the 7th day into flowering, so this is still a stage where spraying is possible...but if you get to the 4th or 5th week, and the calyx and flowers are swelling, then it is almost impossible to spray, you will have to dunk your plants in a bucket or trash can, depending on size, but you risk breaking branches this way, so I suggest monitoring your plants a few times a day before getting to this stage, then you might just want to trash the entire garden. Anyhow, so I have 48 5' foot blueberry headbands, into day 7, pistils are trying to appear, but they are dead and look dried up, leaves are curling starting from the tops of the plants...I examined and noticed the Broad Mite had invited itself into my home and every plant was having the life sucked from them. Now I have used Mighty Wash in the past for spider mites and have had much success, but it did nothing to the broad mite, it repelled it with its billion year old genetic oils and laughed at my attempts...A local store associate pointed out a product called "Nuke 'em" and said he heard it had good results...I went home did some research on the product and found positive feedback from almost everyone who tried this...I was still pissed and could hardly think because while I was searching for a solution, my plants were screaming at me and dying slowly, and these f*&(in insects are after a few hours I went back to the store and purchased 1 gallon of Nuke'em concentrate for 32 gallons of spray, for $179.99. I got home immediately and got right to work...

So you want to kill a Broad Mite... remove all your plants to a clean safe area, Get your Nuke 'em, make the concentrate at regular level, as it gives three levels of applications, for now use the regular and fill a good spray bottle, nothing to cheap, because you have alot of squeezing to do..Spray your grow room from ceiling to floor with Nuke'em, While applying the spray to your plants, do not be short on using the insecticide, some fan leaves need to be sprayed 5-6 times before they are completely drench, and I mean drench your plant, from under the leaves, the tops of leaves, the base of the pot, the top soil...all of it. Do every plant without taking much of a break, it took me 8 hours to do all 48. Wait 8 hours, spray your grow room again from ceiling to floor, and now start applying Nuke'em, with the heavy dose level, just the same, all of the plant, spray good and hard under those leaves, on top and everywhere else...change your clothes regularly and try to shower in between after applying the 2nd spray at heavy level, repeat this method right away again at regular level..yes everyone..16 straight hours of in other words your plants will need to be sprayed 3 times within 32 is grueling, but if you love what you grow and smoke, this is the only method...without using Avid or Forbid, after this 32 hour initial war with the broad mites, you have begun the winning battle...

Monitor your plants about every 6 hours after this for the next 3 days...because, guess are going to be spraying all your plants again, thoroughly, top to bottom, and your grow room...with regular level dose. Another 8 hours of work...but the effort will begin to show....

Monitor your plants again for the next 3 days....and blast these bastards back to the depths of Earth and out of your garden,,,,another thorough regular level dose of Nuke'em on all your plants and in your grow room, spray ceiling to floor....

I honestly will tell you that I have had 100% kill rate on the Broad works, but you have to do exactly what I described above...if anyone of it is confusing, just ask me and I will help...I want everyone to blast these insects the right chemicals...just good and clean..

Yes, Nuke'em is safe can use it all the way up to harvest.

This will help
Mighty wash, azamax, azatrol and others like it will not work, I dont care how well they work on spider mites, broad and cyclamen mites are not spider mites and it simply doesn't work. The above post mentions nuke em which I haven't heard of but I'll certainly look into it, so here's what worked for me so far. I threw out all big plants after taking cuttings and I really nuked the cuts with avid 2x, then forbid 2x, then triple actin neem which is an ovicide, all spraying applications three days apart. I've heard conserve sc, and ogbiowar also work but I haven't tried so I can't confirm. I waited 2 weeks and ordered 5000 Neoseiulus californicus predator mites because I just flipped and I cant spray anymore. All of my symptoms are gone, no more leaf curling, phantom deficiencies etc etc. My predators will arrive in two days so I'm gonna heat treat tomorrow, I don't have time to go into detail on this so look up heat treatment. DO NOT DUNK PLANTS for the heat treatment cannabis does not respond well to this from what I've read. You'll need to heat your room for heat treatment. Also add aspirin for foliar and watering, 325 mg seems to be the consensus but again look into this yourself. If you have this do not fuck around these things are serious, think biblical locust swarms and I'm not exaggerating. I've been doing this since the 90's I've never had any pest problems, spider mites root aphids and thrips are a joke and easy to eliminate but these things are legit. I know a guy that shut down for six months bombed and cleaned his room repeatedly and when he started back up they were there again in week two. This is an excellent forum and I hate to step on toes but icmag seems to have the most in depth thread on this topic from what I've seen, and I think i've done as much research as anyone at this point. search broad mites? to find this thread, it's lengthy but I recommend reading it from start to finish. Good luck to all and If anyone has any questions I'll help as much as possible.
Just wanted everyone to know that the forbid is the bomb. Just have to be careful with it. Do not go above 1 ml per gallon or below for that matter.
I really need some info on Broad Mites. Not spider mites!! The males carry the females to the new growth after they hatch and the eggs have polka dots ojn them. They are only visible with a microscop[e. If anyone has dealt with them plz post. They can't be killed by your normal agents. We have tried. Typical spider mite controls do nothing. Thank you very much for any info.

Nuke-em' will do it. The main point is to apply with a good sprayer. At a minimum a pump sprayer (9.99 bleach sprayer or pimp it with the 100 dollar version).

We used this on root aphids and all the adults were dead first application and the babies were eliminated 4 days after. Amazing. Just left a grow with these bastard broad mites and the nuke wiped em out....

Best part is that the ingredients in NukeEm' can all be found in a loaf of bread.... OMRI certified and has killed everything I have sprayed it on.

Another fun fact... NukeEm is used buy people that had a mildew problem during there grow. right after harvest a light spray is applied as a preventative. No flavor changes. Great stuff.
The nice piece is the mites seem to be dedicated by the 20% potassium sorbate so if they get resistant to that I'll be impressed. I will never use anything else without first using NukeEm. Safe, effective. Amazing.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. I'll let you know what I know or where you can get it. Hard to find in WA for now.
Hey guys I have one plant out of 3 currently in flowering day 14 with these symptoms. I have tried microscoping the leaves but cant find any mites or eggs.

I know i do have soil runoff of 5.0 ph. Would this symptom in the below pictures be that of broad mites or low soil ph?

Never use a single application when battling broad mites, yes it's a effing battle. For instance if you are going to use Avid, it must be in rotation with Forbid and phantom ( same shit as pylon but cheaper ) with Indicate 5. discontinue use 2 weeks prior to flip. The only way to identify these little bastards is by scoping them with a 100x magnification. If you are buying clones, especially from a dispensary , DON'T! Mighty wash isn't going to do shit to defeat broad mites. If you have identified that your plants are infested with broad mites , you are better off burning your crop and starting over with seeds and a new location. If you do use the same location do your research. Those bastards are everywhere.. The deadly toxins from broad mites results in duds. Early detection and treatment is key if you have any chance in producing anything worth growing. Now for the non chemical 100 percent organic people. Heat treatment will help keep them at bay or completely eradicate them. Turn off all fans and heat your grow room to at least 120 degrees for at least and hour. Plants will handle the high temps, you most likely will need space heaters to get the room at those high temps. Repeat heat treatment heat treatment weekly. You will have to keep scoping your plants daily. Heat treatment can be used 2 weeks into flower. Also add 325 mg aspirin per/ gallon with your nutes to help your plants fight the toxins and predatory mites isn't a bad idea once you have finished your heat treatment.
But in all honesty , if you are a closest grower, scrap those clones. Heat treat your grow room several times, clean disinfect , buy seeds. Preventive treatment, research and maybe you will save a lot of money and time.
Here's the direction for the chem people.

Credit goes to " retro grow " in the non-chemical route and Storm Shadow for the Chem Route.

If you spray the Avid/Forbid/Indicate 5'll notice within 12 hours the plants will stretch and open up .... Adult/Larva/Egg triple double duo ... Using Distilled water is a must

Pour some water into your sprayer...then add the Forbid...then a little bit more water...add the Avid.....then fill to the top of the desired amount of gallons...add the Indicate (wetting agent) at the end ... mix it up and then dunk away... Spinosad and azamax can be mixed togethor and used the same way... do this dunk a few days later... then do the Triple Action 3x Neem Dunk...Solo with no Indicate... repeat like a week later the whole thing...and you'll be good to go...

Storm Shadow
Mighty wash, azamax, azatrol and others like it will not work, I dont care how well they work on spider mites, broad and cyclamen mites are not spider mites and it simply doesn't work. The above post mentions nuke em which I haven't heard of but I'll certainly look into it, so here's what worked for me so far. I threw out all big plants after taking cuttings and I really nuked the cuts with avid 2x, then forbid 2x, then triple actin neem which is an ovicide, all spraying applications three days apart. I've heard conserve sc, and ogbiowar also work but I haven't tried so I can't confirm. I waited 2 weeks and ordered 5000 Neoseiulus californicus predator mites because I just flipped and I cant spray anymore. All of my symptoms are gone, no more leaf curling, phantom deficiencies etc etc. My predators will arrive in two days so I'm gonna heat treat tomorrow, I don't have time to go into detail on this so look up heat treatment. DO NOT DUNK PLANTS for the heat treatment cannabis does not respond well to this from what I've read. You'll need to heat your room for heat treatment. Also add aspirin for foliar and watering, 325 mg seems to be the consensus but again look into this yourself. If you have this do not fuck around these things are serious, think biblical locust swarms and I'm not exaggerating. I've been doing this since the 90's I've never had any pest problems, spider mites root aphids and thrips are a joke and easy to eliminate but these things are legit. I know a guy that shut down for six months bombed and cleaned his room repeatedly and when he started back up they were there again in week two. This is an excellent forum and I hate to step on toes but icmag seems to have the most in depth thread on this topic from what I've seen, and I think i've done as much research as anyone at this point. search broad mites? to find this thread, it's lengthy but I recommend reading it from start to finish. Good luck to all and If anyone has any questions I'll help as much as possible.

^^^^ listen, he's right ^^^
^^^ I 2nd, I posted this elsewhere but it fits...

  • I had a major outbreak in veg a couple months ago I went at those fuckers hard and fast!! 1 spray of Nuke Em (follow the directions and turn out the lights for min 15 min) 12 hours later I did another spray of Nuke Em and 30 minutes later did a 3rd application. Followed by another app 4 days later and an app 4 days after that and finally a 6th application 7 days after that. Lost 3 strains (one I lost because the rooting cuts never rooted) but 6 others strains and and cuts I had sprayed as well pulled through a month later and actually 2 of those are in flower, no need to chuck a whole room and start over, just be prepared to be delayed as fuck!!​

I was told at one of my local places that sell pesticides to use Bifen I/T.Has anyone had any experience with this stuff? I have tried heat treatments, nicotine, everything now i'm willing to use just about anything to get rid of them in my room not even sevin dust phases em along with Hotshot NPS I dunno about the Bifen I/t...plants aren't of any size at all anything so they can be thrown away without the slightest bit of annoyance it's just that they're still going to be in the room.
I have used Plant Cleanse and Vital Rinse From Skunk Labs Horticulture on spider mites and it wiped them out without any damage to the plants. It says it works for "pests" I wonder how it would fair against broad mites or russets.. They have free samples at check it out.
just thought i'd drop in here and say nuke em workd for me as well, although, as far as zero taste difference....I had to spray at harvest, due to a late case of spider mites, well into my flowering stage, and so I had to use it, and I taste it, but it did kill em for the most part, and did that job...the taste wasn't horrible, but noticeable....anyway, I had a question as well, hope someone sees this thread...

Im wondering if you guys have ever mistook trichomes for eggs, I have a plant vegging, and I cleaned up from last time, sterilized and the whole 9, and now I am keeping an eye out, and I am noticing what could be either trich's or eggs on the leaves... haven't seen a spider mite yet, but they are sneaky. I just am not sure when you should start noticeably seeing trichs with my jewlers microscope on the leaves, and from what I am seeing it looks like trichs, but is only 3 wks old. I cant take a pic of it cause I don't have any camera that zooms that good....any thoughts?
hot pepper spray, shit works wonders and you can make it with habanero peppers, or hot sauce, or crushed red peppers/flakes etc... anything with capsaicin it. kills on contact, and the survivors wont feed anymore due to the plants tasting like hot peppers. also, it has a half life of 3 hours so 3 days later you wouldn't know you sprayed anything. please read up on it bcuz it works wonders and is cheap as hell to make.
Tetrasan + Forbid. (or generic spiromesifen) that did the job for me, i havent seen a mite in weeks. Neem as a preventive. I still havent seen a mite in weeks. I have 10 x 1k watts so it's a pretty decent sized garden. you can imagine all the nooks and crannies where they could be hiding. but it's been LONG TIME since i've seen anything at all. Tetrasan and Forbid are BOTH translaminar as well. so that HELPS A LOT. meaning u dont HAVE to get the underside, but i still do just in case, and it will cover top and bottom of the leaves. I make sure my plants are all dripping once im done spraying. those lil nasty fuckers should never come back again. Get a 20 dollar sprayer from Home Depot the ones that are like a gallon. Those sprayers work wonders!!!!! but if u have a paint sprayer (fogger) those work wonders as well!!!!!

It all starts in your veg too. so if u have mites in ur veg, make sure u cut down ur moms and so that it doesnt have a huge canopy. Any of your plants that are pretty huge u need to make sure that u cut them down. Make clones if anything. but as ur making the clones, dip them in a solution of forbid or tetrasan or avid what have u. just make sure that u dip them in something. while u make ur clones. after that u can start spraying ur plants. less of a canopy = ez to hit them hard. make sure u get ur soil and everything too. just go in there and make sure u get at least 2 sprayings with the tetra + forbid. they work on eggs too! but just make sure to do it again in case u missed anything. after that you should concentrate on ur little transplants make sure that they are protected. do this untill flower. you should be good. but remember to hit them one last time before they go into flower. and start neeming in flower. after that you should NOT have a problem. RELIGIOUS WITH NEEM for a month or so. untill u never see one ever again. (i still use it no matter what) i like to be safe. but once ur veg shows no sign of them. ur flower shouldnt show signs later either.

IF THEY DO COME BACK LATE FLOWER THO, just hit them with organicide, nuke em, and some neem. if they come back last 2 weeks of flower tho, hit them up with mighty wash. and if your mites dont like foggers. fog it. make sure all ventilation is off and u do this at nite. u want that stagnant fog to kick it before dispersing. otherwise u just wasted money.I also throw in some NPS (no pest strips with fogging as well) So far i think this works wonders. My veg responded very well. 3 sessions of 5 NPS + Fogging (One Session is about 3 -5 Hours) helped so much (room is about 12x12). (AGAIN MAKE SURE EVERYTHING AIR RELATED IS OFF. FANS VENTS A/C EVERYTHING!!!!!!) otherwise u just wasted money and time.
I just recently signed up here on this site, so this is my first post. I had to respond to this post, since I do have past experience with this demonic "broad mite". Anyone upon discovering these will have to use a microscopic lense, as they are not visible like the spider mite. And yes, Mighty Wash will kill the spider mites and some other nuances, but it will not conquer the Broad Mite. I have several years of growing knowledge for indoor gardening, and I know how it feels to see your beautiful garden infested by this evil insect, almost makes you cry and want to tear the entire garden apart and throw all your hard work away. If you have dedication, and truly love what you do (growing cannabis), then there is a solution, but it takes alot of effort and persistance, but I will tell you they can be destroyed. I have had them both on clones that I bought, and on seed startings, and I have beat these bastards both times, and now my garden is once again rid of the Broad Mite.




So here goes. If you are growing close to what I have, then you can base the manpower and time it will take if your garden is smaller or larger. I grow 48 plants at a time, usually just one strain, no mixes. My plants got infected around the 7th day into flowering, so this is still a stage where spraying is possible...but if you get to the 4th or 5th week, and the calyx and flowers are swelling, then it is almost impossible to spray, you will have to dunk your plants in a bucket or trash can, depending on size, but you risk breaking branches this way, so I suggest monitoring your plants a few times a day before getting to this stage, then you might just want to trash the entire garden. Anyhow, so I have 48 5' foot blueberry headbands, into day 7, pistils are trying to appear, but they are dead and look dried up, leaves are curling starting from the tops of the plants...I examined and noticed the Broad Mite had invited itself into my home and every plant was having the life sucked from them. Now I have used Mighty Wash in the past for spider mites and have had much success, but it did nothing to the broad mite, it repelled it with its billion year old genetic oils and laughed at my attempts...A local store associate pointed out a product called "Nuke 'em" and said he heard it had good results...I went home did some research on the product and found positive feedback from almost everyone who tried this...I was still pissed and could hardly think because while I was searching for a solution, my plants were screaming at me and dying slowly, and these f*&(in insects are after a few hours I went back to the store and purchased 1 gallon of Nuke'em concentrate for 32 gallons of spray, for $179.99. I got home immediately and got right to work...

So you want to kill a Broad Mite... remove all your plants to a clean safe area, Get your Nuke 'em, make the concentrate at regular level, as it gives three levels of applications, for now use the regular and fill a good spray bottle, nothing to cheap, because you have alot of squeezing to do..Spray your grow room from ceiling to floor with Nuke'em, While applying the spray to your plants, do not be short on using the insecticide, some fan leaves need to be sprayed 5-6 times before they are completely drench, and I mean drench your plant, from under the leaves, the tops of leaves, the base of the pot, the top soil...all of it. Do every plant without taking much of a break, it took me 8 hours to do all 48. Wait 8 hours, spray your grow room again from ceiling to floor, and now start applying Nuke'em, with the heavy dose level, just the same, all of the plant, spray good and hard under those leaves, on top and everywhere else...change your clothes regularly and try to shower in between after applying the 2nd spray at heavy level, repeat this method right away again at regular level..yes everyone..16 straight hours of in other words your plants will need to be sprayed 3 times within 32 is grueling, but if you love what you grow and smoke, this is the only method...without using Avid or Forbid, after this 32 hour initial war with the broad mites, you have begun the winning battle...

Monitor your plants about every 6 hours after this for the next 3 days...because, guess are going to be spraying all your plants again, thoroughly, top to bottom, and your grow room...with regular level dose. Another 8 hours of work...but the effort will begin to show....

Monitor your plants again for the next 3 days....and blast these bastards back to the depths of Earth and out of your garden,,,,another thorough regular level dose of Nuke'em on all your plants and in your grow room, spray ceiling to floor....

I honestly will tell you that I have had 100% kill rate on the Broad works, but you have to do exactly what I described above...if anyone of it is confusing, just ask me and I will help...I want everyone to blast these insects the right chemicals...just good and clean..

Yes, Nuke'em is safe can use it all the way up to harvest.

This will help