Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup gents!

growing but not growing. sounds like some oldskool bruce lee shiz 'the art of fighting without fighting' waaataaaaaaah!

keep your green finger in bobo!


Well-Known Member
If I tell myself I'm not growing, then I'm not growing.. that much. I might be growing a little bit... I can't help myself. It's what Bobos do... we grow. Might have to transplant my sour flower today actually... was going to do it this weekend but didn't get around to it. I'll take some pics when I do. . .


Well-Known Member
You know it my good man :D

It's actually a Silver Haze backX . . . supposed to be a good, quick finishing Sativa. Hopefully it' flips into flower here pretty quick so we can find out. Otherwise I'll be left with a fookin' massive tree. The thing grows like a fookin' weed.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha tell me about it i've a sativa sprawling over half my tent at the moment. it's nearly 16 weeks and only has spindly beginnings of bud :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
lmao so she IS still in there, eh? I thought I missed her in the pics on the 600. . . Is this the Panama part Deux?

My tent isn't set up at the moment, so I'm waiting for mother nature to do her thing for me, lol. I'm afraid I might have at least another 2 weeks before the internal switch flips....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oh yeah she's still in there, sprawling about, she is no longer a sativa diva more like a drunken teenage girl you want out of your house haha cest la vie eh.

it's a landrace loatian sativa i swapped with a lad in Laos pips came straight out of a brick headed for bangkok. i expected a long flower as lets face it, it's quite a transition from Loas mountainside to northern England tent hahahaha that and i had to flip it back to veg for a fortnight, that probably put it back a month...

i care not really i'm expecting it'll be a good 6 - 9 weeks yet still.

you've got me thinking whereabouts over the other side of the marble you are if you've not yet had mid season. hope it turns quick for ya and its as sort flower as you think m8


Well-Known Member
That is awesome! I bet it'll be the best brick weed you've ever smoked, eh ;) It looks great, tho... That structure has me itching to try something similar at some point. I spose we can expect a good yield too, eh?

I'm at latitude 38 over here, which, when I looked online said that mid August I'd be getting closer to 11 hours a day of darkness, which is what I hope it takes to turn (hell, a little less would be great, too). I've got some low voltage yard lights that click on every night, but when I looked inside of my greenhouse it seems pretty damn dark... certainly as dark as my last spot that was outdoors where I had no problem flowering, so I'm hoping it's just mother nature taking her time... we shall see. She's been mainlined for 8 heads, but they're all starting to stretch a little, so...


Well-Known Member
Hey Bobo - long time no talk. I'm at 40 degrees latitude and my outdoor girls are starting to form flower clusters. Shouldn't be long for you now.

I hope all is well for you and the fam...


Well-Known Member
Med... man, you must have been picking up on my psychic vibes... I was almost about to email ya.

As it turns out, I'm not able to make it out to your neck of the woods as I was planning in another week or so. Given the state of affairs at my house, I think I need to stick around, if you know what I mean. ;) Things are good, tho. Gonna be my heaviest harvest yet, lol. Gunning for an 8 pounder, lol :lol: And prolly about 21" long, too :)

Thanks for the heads up on the OD. What's in your garden this year, man?? Did any of that C4 x Caseyband make it in there? Or the Roms?? I'm sure you've got some magic brewing. . . alway sitting on good genetics, you are.

You get outdoors with the fam much this summer? I miss those CO summers, and the 3:30 thunderstorms that roll through everyday. Hope all is well with you too brosef. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you won't be making it out this way. That Kali Mist is curing along nicely (4 months now) and is getting to be quite tasty.:mrgreen: I understand that you have to stay home to take care of the crop.:cool: We definitely need to meet up when we are in the same place at the same time.

I've got some trees growing outside this summer. Qush and Pandora's Box. The Mrs. won't let me touch her Pandy jar until the new harvest is ready. She loves that stuff (as do I). I also just picked up a cut of Northern Lights #5 from Bodhi's Back to the Future project. She's small now but I think she'll have time to get decent size before the end of the season.
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I am planning to run either the C4xCaseyband or the Romulan this winter. I'm leaning toward the C4xCaseyband though. There is a Romulan Joe cut floating around the circles here that is definitely legit. I'll probably run that before I pop those beans. It would give me a good reference for how they stack up, since I've never run Romulan before.

The fall/winter lineup (as of today) is:
* Eldorado (Oaxacan Sativa)
* Vortex
* Apollo 13 BX
* C4xCaseyband
* Biodiesel from 303 Seeds
* Kali Mist (of course)
* C99
* Black Widow
* and a couple of indica-doms depending on what I think of this Qush and how much I get from the NL#5.

There is a local crew that is doing a bunch of crosses that also sound very tasty. If only we didn't have plant counts I'd be running 20 strains at a time. Variety is the spice of life!

Bro - it has been brutally hot here this summer. We also have had a heinous fire season. We were within a couple miles of a fire that had us on pre-evacuation notice for a day or so. Familia de Medshed did get up to the mountains for some cooling off a while back though. Very nice!

Alright dude - gotta run.



Well-Known Member
Oh man, I knew the Pandy was that good ;) I got some beans myself of the Pandora's finally, as I was getting some for my mother in law and thought I probably needed some, too. Now just to crack them, along with everything else I have that I've been drooling over (the seed fairy has been nice to me!).

I'm sorry I'll miss getting to see everything you've got going. You garden sounds like it's ripping right now with those two monsters in there! Fall line up sounds pretty amazing, too. I lost my cut of C4 x Caseyband, and I loved it so much I'm going to have to repop some beans from that one, too. I think you'll definitely like the stone from it. I found the seedlings were sensitive for me (I stunted mine in a Mudder Boarding incident similar to yours, lol, damn coir cups), but once they get going they really rip. Probably one of my favorite stones... mine was very Headband dom with a great bouquet that screamed cotton candy.

Here's what I've got vegging in my closet at the moment. My wife and I were going to rent a place to use as a dual purpose location, but rents are going through the roof here right now so I'm thinking about doing what I said I wasn't going to do, and just growing in my perfect little place I have here....

* Atomic Northern Lights
* Sour Flower
* Purple Cadillac
* Deadhead OG (I think this one is going to be mental based off it's smell in veg and growth structure alone). . .
* Agent Orange
* Romulan
* San Fernando Valley Kush
* Lamb's Bread

I semi mainlined a Sour Flower in the greenhouse, which I'm going to transplant/neem this weekend. I have a batch of Super Soil that I'd like to test out, and I think she'll be a good candidate. Right now I have 8 main shoots that are all looking really nice and even. Then inside I'm working on prepping an Agent Orange for the same main line sorta thing. The node structure is amazing on that plant... even though I got the genetics from clone, I'm still getting symmetrical nodes more or less.

btw, that SUCKS about the wild fires. Now that I think of it, I'd totally heard about those. Glad you guys were spared... be safe! I hope it starts to return to normal for you guys...

Alright dude, I've got one last question for ya... You ever come across a clone of Tangerine?? Dude, if I would have thought I could get one there this summer I was going to drive out (over flying) for it. No joke.... amazing smoke, and my club here in the city that grew it just got shut down :( RIP Vapor Room. Tangerine. . . . clone only from CO.. you must know about it... grow it if you can get it . . .:weed:

Holy shit, this coffee has me all fired up. I think I need to go take a couple deep breaths before I type another dissertation, lmfao. Hope you're having a good one, bru. Glad to see you back around these parts. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Nice lineup you have there! I am pretty sure there is some Tangerine in the mix here with our local crew. I'll ask around. We had a BBQ a while back with cuts and beans passing around. So many of each I couldn't begin to say what all there was but I think someone had Tangerine.


Well-Known Member
Thanks brosef. I'd recommend getting your hands on the Tang. It's a great smell/taste/high. If I buy an 1/8 of that, it overpowers any and everything else in the bag. There must be a couple peeps that have it out here, too, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. It's almost like Girl Scout Cookies, lol, which I guess isn't that hard to get ahold of, but you know the drill. . .

Alright bud, keep in touch. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Here's a little update from my greenhouse. Looks like Sour Flower 8 headed monster is loving her Super Soil, but is already starting to fade in this 3 gallon smartie (as I anticipated). Going to give her a big drink tomorrow with some bottled nutes from the GO line to get her back on track, and then throw some EWC and bat guano into the topsoil for the long run. Her growth has been explosive, though... I'm pretty impressed, although still expecting a mediocre harvest with this strain. There is some variation in height, but overall I did nothing more than follow Nugbucket's basic mainline principle. I wasn't even able to even stretch out every limb as he suggests, and still I was able to get a great spread (in my opinion). Keep in mind this is with no major bending/LST.

Please don't mind the battered looking toms... they were getting ruled by bugs, so we had to do a little marigold bomb. :peace:

edit: Fooking lame, riu won't let me blow up my pics right now. Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Med! Nothing yet... chop time is around the beginning of Oct . . . ;) :)

Hey man, you got a thread of your grow going on right now?


Well-Known Member
I would ask whats good but I can see! :)
You both emerge unscathed! So she will flower outside too, should be fun.
**high five Brobo**

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Nice use of the tomatoe cage brobo lol. And I like the structure on that baby with the nugs staying tight to the stalks. I forget what Sour Flower is but it sounds dank. I just incorporated Mycorrhizae (water based)into my regiment a couple of days ago. Just one of those things I never thought of before. They all look pretty happy now :)



Well-Known Member
Hiiiiiigh five!

Thanks Colo ;) Outdoor is great.. I forgot there is a cheaper way to grow weed than with lights :)

And thanks to you as well, HC. That tom cage is going to really help her out, thinks me. Sour Flower is a Super Silver Haze bx by Joe Clone. It's supposed to be fruity tasting, with an up, sativa sorta high. Yields are supposed to be meh, but I never grew for that, so no biggie. I'd be majorly psyched on a couple zips though!

Myco helps heaps. If there's anything you guys have taught me it's that the roots are everything. My plants always like it, that is for sure!

Alright fellas, gotta hop on the work wagon here real quick. Will check in later. :peace:

btw, cold, dark and damp outside. What a great day to be inside getting stoned and drinking some coffee! :D