Brobo's Thread for the Bro's (and Sisters, too)...


Well-Known Member
Thanks to you brother. Believe it or not you are a part of our house and family. Your support is palpable over here and I could never tell you how much it means. Lol... might end up naming the kid Bobo. hahaha.... ok, maybe not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, that means a lot to me. I believe in the true power of the mantra, and I think that enough people thinking Happy, Healthy thoughts is great for everybody who is going through the pregnancy process. Especially you guys.

Oh, and don't name him Bobo! lololololol He would get so picked on! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, that means a lot to me. I believe in the true power of the mantra, and I think that enough people thinking Happy, Healthy thoughts is great for everybody who is going through the pregnancy process. Especially you guys.

Oh, and don't name him Bobo! lololololol He would get so picked on! :lol:

Since using HHB iv had a dream of holding my son lol this meditation may be too powerful for me ;-) jkjk HHB all the way, jig!

edit: Iv also used HHL + HHP (HH ladies, HH plants) had dreams of jarring up lots of danky buds :-)


Well-Known Member
You pretty much can't go wrong with sprinkling a little HH+ on everything, lol. bongsmilie

I've got a sleepy baby next to me. She doesn't want to get off of mom, lol. Little milk bandit. She's trying to get some work done. It's cute.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I was going to say you have a good attitude as far as losing your garden (or most of) but you got the life mang ;) Glad thangs are good with everyone. Been cutting down on my evening coffee a little and I get so tired at night now lol. Except for tonight haha, got tired of being tired so I had a couple of cups. To go with the bong of DOG I smoked. Stuff has some kick for sure,,,,I see headband on your list good luck with it. My dog cut is headband dom.

Enjoy your little girl! You two will be playing hide and seek soon. I remember playing that with my daughter when she was about 10 months, she would laugh so hard. Taught her to play chess when she was 2 (well 2 3/4 ; )


Well-Known Member
I was going to say you have a good attitude as far as losing your garden (or most of) but you got the life mang ;) Glad thangs are good with everyone. Been cutting down on my evening coffee a little and I get so tired at night now lol. Except for tonight haha, got tired of being tired so I had a couple of cups. To go with the bong of DOG I smoked. Stuff has some kick for sure,,,,I see headband on your list good luck with it. My dog cut is headband dom.

Enjoy your little girl! You two will be playing hide and seek soon. I remember playing that with my daughter when she was about 10 months, she would laugh so hard. Taught her to play chess when she was 2 (well 2 3/4 ; )
Ah thanks man! I'd hang and drink coffee with you any night. And smoke lots of DOG, lol. bongsmilie I had a rough 1.5 days of it, but like you said, there isn't that much to be bummed about.

I can't wait for hide and go seek. We were just playing a game tonight where she takes my hat off. To tell you the truth I didn't think she'd do it, but she is a pro already. She can also tap dance on my balls real well. Probably gets that from her mother.

Send some of that mantra on over here Bobo, I just got a 600 watt and I'm going to need all the help I can get. lol
Hell yes. Welcome to the club man. Just give her love, and she will love you back.

Time to go foliar the veg crew in a bit. And get stonededer. That's a word, stonededer? bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Argh, I'm totally at a stand still in regards to what I'm doing in my garden. I really, really want to run 4 x 7 gallon smart pots, but because I'm not sure who is what in terms of sex still, part of me is saying that I should do 9 x 3 gallon smarties instead... that it would help me fill in the blanks easier should I get a few more machos. Fooook.... I wish I would have flipped them a long while back to see sex, and then reverted back to full veg again after.

Would love to hear what you guys think. I have a Pandora's Box, 2 x Bubbleberry, 2 x ?pxSB1, and 1 Choco Chunky Monkey that won't give it up!! Tell em Bobo wants to know, lol. I had one Monkey and one ?p throw balls on me quite awhile ago... this is day 66. Could the rest just be fems holding out on me?

In terms of clones that are ready to go, I have Girl Scout Cookies, Headband, Trainwreck, LA Cheese, Blueberry (this one is getting flowered for sure), and a Purple Alien OG. So not like there isn't some fire there, too.


Well-Known Member
Ok, just went down to my cave and have been playing around with some different smart pot setups in the tent. I'm thinking I'm going to go with 2 x 7 gallon, 1 x 5 gallon, and 4 x 3 gallon. Going to supplement with teas out of necessity most likely on the 3's, and possibly on the 5. 7's will be just water and some sugar... all will have super soil. Something like this...

The more I look, the more I like. Now just to figure what goes where. I think I just got excited.



Well-Known Member
Argh, I'm totally at a stand still in regards to what I'm doing in my garden. I really, really want to run 4 x 7 gallon smart pots, but because I'm not sure who is what in terms of sex still, part of me is saying that I should do 9 x 3 gallon smarties instead... that it would help me fill in the blanks easier should I get a few more machos. Fooook.... I wish I would have flipped them a long while back to see sex, and then reverted back to full veg again after.

Would love to hear what you guys think. I have a Pandora's Box, 2 x Bubbleberry, 2 x ?pxSB1, and 1 Choco Chunky Monkey that won't give it up!! Tell em Bobo wants to know, lol. I had one Monkey and one ?p throw balls on me quite awhile ago... this is day 66. Could the rest just be fems holding out on me?

In terms of clones that are ready to go, I have Girl Scout Cookies, Headband, Trainwreck, LA Cheese, Blueberry (this one is getting flowered for sure), and a Purple Alien OG. So not like there isn't some fire there, too.
How old are your plants? If they're over 4 weeks I bet you can tell what sex they are with a digital scope. I'm sexing'em at 3-4 weeks now for the most part -- sexing plants I visibly can't even make out details of the preflowers on.... sometimes I can't even visibly see if they have preflowers but i can see what they are in the scope.

If you don't have a life you can run all 7 gallons and do a double 12/12 shift like I am :) I got no plans for travel the next two months and not enough flower space for the # of girls, so i'm just gonna be swapping'em out every 12 hours. It's going to be interesting though I gotta lightproof off 1/3 of the room to keep the sleeping girls in.


Well-Known Member
Hm, never tried it with a scope before. I like the way it sounds, though. Will have to give it a shot later on.

I'm actually thinking of running my veg tent as an overflow flower tent.... put in whoever gets cut from the first round HPS tent. Never tried to flower with T5's, but bought a few red bulbs to throw into the mix... it's my last round for a few months, so figured what the hell. I'm not expecting much.


Well-Known Member
Well, no luck with the scope. Couldn't see anything that I couldn't see with my eyes... Looks like I'm just going to roll the dice. Going to up pot the bigger plants today, and maybe some of the smaller ones depending on my schedule. It's time to start this party up again.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
That's what we like to here man. Funny I have been meaning to ask you for the last few days how the new batch was coming along. You really are rolling the dice I'm thinking brother good luck :)

So normally males show first so your looking good there with the ccm and ?p, that would be three and if your coming up on 10 weeks veg then maybe your good with the other three plants. And least two out of ther three right haha ;). Are your clones going to get flipped with these that your waiting on? Any size to them?

Yeah maybe you will do pretty good with the ratio bobro! Do it up man!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks brudda! Glad to see you pokin' around the joint. :)

I'm kinda thinking the same thing about the CCM and ?p.... and the others, too. I like your input, btw.. making me feel better about everything.

I think I'm going to throw my mainlined Blueberry in a 7 gallon pot. She deserves it, and is such a vigorous grower that I know she will fill in the pot. Plus, she's Blueberry. bongsmilie Then for the other 7 and 5 gallon pots I'm thinking of picking two from the following, all of which are looking good and strong, with around 8 tops on each, give or take.


Those are the three that I'm choosing between for the 2nd and 3rd spots. Whaddya think, HC? I also have that Purple Alien OG and a couple LA Cheese (cheese dom, :weed: ), but I'm thinking I might throw those into the other tent and spread them out.

I'm going to up pot all the seedlings into 3 gallons as well. Everyone will veg a few days, and then I'll do the flip with them and weed out any remaining males in my main flower tent, replacing them if necessary.

That's my plan. If you read it all, kudos. I swear I write this stuff down in part so I can see it and mull it over, lol. Love your input too tho, brosef :)


Well-Known Member
What kind of scope? I've found the jeweler's loupes aren't good enough, though definitely better than plain eyesight. I'm not sure what the magnification is on my digital scope but it plugs in via USB to the laptop and i can maximize the view to the whole screen it's a lot easier to see. These are some of my scope shots - not all definitive... but I find the more I do it the better I am getting. Things I've noticed:

Preflowers often appear on one side of the plant and not the other (at first)
Preflowers usually not on the lowest nodes.
Always at the newest (but still only one side) but may also be the smallest there. I usually have my best luck about 2-3 nodes down from the top.
You may see preflowers that are not definitive and ones that are on the same plant. If you don't find them at first or you can't tell, keep checking i regularly find multiple preflowers with the scope but can only tell for sure which it is on one preflower.
It's never for sure a female until you see pistils.
It is for sure a male once it forms a claw holding a ball.
Any that I think are probably boys but not sure I put in the dark for a couple of days and the preflowers will extend on a thin stalk and become more ball like if they're male.

This one you can just see the two pistils sticking out of the tip - I wasn't sure if it was a boy at first -- the boys sometimes look like female preflowers that are extra hairy.
Future nuts growing on a stipule (!?)
One of the few real definitive ones
Pretty sure this one ended up female
Most likely a female too
Probably female
Female -- you couldn't tell that with a normal scope
Nuts. Probably wouldn't be able to tell without the digital scope
Could go either way looks female

If I remember right I was gonna call this one a boy and then later found a female preflower with pistils on it. Could be wrong though. It could be both a boy and a girl I'm gonna have to keep an eye on'em just to be sure :)



Well-Known Member
Play a slideshow of pr0n to them lol... Should get them to show their privates.

is it wrong that i've been jizzing on top of my female plants to try and create a human-cannabis hybrid?? i've actually been collecting the semen and spreading it by hand because i've heard you shouldn't just let it fly at random. too far?