I copied down that home remedy into me Whodat folder the other day. Gonna keep it around long tyme!
Hey, speaking of your recipes, was wondering if you water every time w/ tea during flower? I seem to remember you saying that about your flower tea, but I'm can't recall for sure. Reason i ask is because I've watered 2x now with a veg tea similar to yours (with exception of the high N guano), and yesterday I started some of the flower tea (with exception of the seabird guano)... My Deadhead is gonna be ready in about a week and a half, and is showing a good fade. The rest show signs of slowing their fade, but are still fading... just slower (if that even makes sense). My question is, think I can hit them with the flower tea, or should I go just plain water when I water them today?
OG is stacking up nicely, btw... really starting to swell and push out the resin.