Broke main stem 1 week before harvest! Experienced advise, PLEASE!


7 weeks into flower, fat juicy looking Aurora Indica bud... I broke 1 of my 2 main top branches completely off while bending... Im sure I could just harvest now and get some great "uplifting, head high".... But, I want the nodding out, narcotic, couchlock, medical stone from this indica... I know its gonna stress the hell out of the plant... My question is this...

Will she continue producing trichs after stress of this magnitude so close to finish??

Will I get any further toward that narcotic, knock out stone by letting them go another week??

Anybody have experience with the optomum "aurora indica" flower time??

Any experienced advisors are tremendously appreciated...
It will be fine. It may cause some stress, but plants are made to deal with that. They get the tops ate off all the time in the wild and they do fine. I have broke many plants before and they always pull through ok. Even when the top is barely hanging on, the top continues to grow. These are some tough plants, you would have to do some serious damage to cause real problems


Well-Known Member
the same thing happened to me only flowering was just starting, I went to take it off and realise that it was holding by one side pretty well still, so I bent it the opposite way I did when I broke it, tied it down, and 12hours later it was pushing my pin up and the next day it seemed like it was glued in place already.


Yeah, I figured it would be OK... Its definately to late for it to hermie on me... Anyone grew Aurora from Nirvanna? My trichs are prolly 80% cloudy, 20% clear, none amber, but the pistols on the 1 main cola that is left have not turned orange yet... Im just worried that it aint ready since the pistols are still streched out and white...


Well-Known Member
Its not ready if the trichomes are still clear/cloudy, and if you want to get the "couchlock" high you should wait til at least 50% amber from what I have researched. Usually the pistols should have mostly changed colors and usually they recede into the bud when they are ready. Hope that helps.


From all the grows that I have completed... "10 or 15" I have yet to see trichs that are 50% amber... I once let an Indica go for 11 weeks and still no amber trichs... Whats the deal with that?? I have heard that only certain strains will turn amber...


You should actually have an upside to this: the buds on the lower branches should get more growth than they normally would now that it will be losing apical dominance.

Opps edit: you only lost one of two, maybe not. Maybe just a loss. ha