broke main stem 4 days later still looks bad- will it live? :(


1st time grower here... stupidly snapped the main stem attempting to supercrop. Wouldn't stand up anymore and everything wilted but I made a cast out of a straw and now 4 days later it can stand on its own again, but there's a hole in the middle of the stem... look's like it's repairing itself, but can it fix all that damage? The leaves are making me sad. Thanks guys for your help! long time lurker, first post



Well-Known Member
Dude you have a huge hole in your stem, it will be a miracle if it survives. I would take a clone, and start again.


Well-Known Member
get a couple of sticks and tape it up with sum gaffa tape like a splint, it may work, ive seen worse cases survive but its reallly just luck


Active Member
yeah deff plug the hole, when i snapped my main stem i used electrical tape for the cast, i felt it works the best since you can stretch it and make it a seal sort of, but if your going to try and make her last i would try and pull a clone or 2 off, just incase. the supercropping can cause lateral slits into the stems, there was a good write up on how to do supercrop, and from what i remeber reding it, looks like you chose the wrong spot, you want to do they said by the 3rd or 4th node. i will see if i can find out and repost it here.


Active Member
ok found it hopefully this works. i found it a very good post and guide, many thx to simpsonsampson420 who wrote it up.
step by step how to super crop

it's been a while since i've done anything really productive around here.. but since i have a new grow going, and am doing things i often get questions about here For all new growers with questions... Tons of information and answers.. i figured now would be a good time to do a nice new thread...

i love super cropping.. it is by far one of my favorite pruning techniques.. its quick, easy, causes little stress, gets huge results, and gets them quick.. best of all it can be done multiple times during the veg period.. this can mean huge results...

first lets talk a little about super cropping... the idea behind it is to push lower growth up and out... this means more tops, more lower growth that can get flowered, which all leads to heavier yields..

super cropping works by moving the auxins, or growth hormones, from the growth tips to other parts of the plant causing growth to happen below the point of super cropping...

to explain it in a way that makes sense, you basically fool the plant into thinking it has no top.. if the point in which you super cropped formed a horizontal line over the plant, the plant would try to push everything below that line up to give it a top... all the lower branches, instead of growing outward horizontally, will start to bend and grow upwards, vertically... really, everything below the imaginary line the super cropping makes grows vertically verse horizontally...

the end result from super cropping much bushier plant, more tops or branches closer to the light that will flower, and a shorter over all plant...

this can be done to any mj plant.. the only exception is autos.. it can be done once fairly early on.. but the veg life of autos is short so its impossible to get multiple super crops done successfully...

now, although it can be done to every plant, not all plants will react the same.. i urge you to try it on a few branches of a plant before doing the entire plant.. make sure your plant reacts well to it.. i haven't seen any plants that dont enjoy it yet.. but i havent by any means grown everything there is to grow..

now... for the slide show...

first, locate your plant... this girl was 3 weeks old monday.. i have super cropped her once or twice already.. you want to wait until there is a good amount of growth.. usually after a week and a half or two weeks your ok...

second, locate the spot on the stem you want to super crop.. remember it will create the imaginary line which all growth below will push up.. usually it is done close to the end of a stem or the main stalk.. i like somewhere under the 1rst to 3rd node set.. depending on how tight the spacing is..

this is where i decided to do her at...

now to start the super cropping... once you pick the spot, you want to gently squeeze the stem between your thumb and pointer finger... you dont want to pinch.. the idea here is to soften the stem.. not to break it...

this is somewhat what it should look like...

now turn your hand 90 degrees from where you started......

and do the same thing.....

hopefully after this your top will fold over like this...

if you have tops that are higher than the spot you just did do them also...

eventually you'll get to the point you do your entire plant, and it looks like this one when your done...

now a few last things before im done...

first.. please remember to start out doing a few branches at first.. make sure your plant reacts ok to it.. some do better than others... its better to make sure first... but again, i have not grown any that react poorly...

second.. if you tear the stem its ok.. you may get little rips that run vertically up the stem.. its alright if this happens.. your plant will be just fine... trust me.. it happens a lot..

third... be gentle when you squeeze.. you may need to work it a little if the stem is thicker.. this is ok... if you are too rough you will break it off.. i have done that.. topping unwantedly is not a pleasant surprise...

fourth... take your time at first... its nothing you need to rush.. get used to how the stem feels when it pops like you want it to.. how it feels when its softened enough to bend easily.. then build up your speed.. it can take a while to do a larger garden.. and you may want to hurry.. but patience is a virtue here...

lastly... when the spot your super cropped heals up it will more than likely be a thick round ball in the middle of the stem.. this is good.. think of it like scar tissue..


Active Member
White surgical tape applied when the break happened would have done wonders. Looks like the inside of the steam is drying out. It's done IMO.