Broke main stem in 4!


Hey guys,

This is my first post on here. So today I was giving my girls some TLC. I was doing some trimming, making some clones before I go into flower and cleaning the glass off of my LED lights. Well, I had just got finished cleaning my last LED light when I dropped one of the lights right onto one of my girls. Smashed her right down the center and flattened her like a pancake. I quickly got her back together with some zip ties and added some rooting gel. I was wondering what you guys think about my fix or if there is anything else I should do to help her out?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

For future reference, just do the splint action with the zip ties and don't apply anything, not even water. If it's gonna live it will.
Thanks Renfro, I appreciate it. Looks like half the plant wilted away last night. I cut off the dead sections. I left the branches. Do you think I should cut those branches off as well? 20200316_063425.jpg20200316_064246.jpg