Broken branch fix

Hey all, so i have a jedi death star in a 3.5 gal pot on starting the 5th week of flower. i woke up this morning and the weight of the flower broke a branch. This is my first grow and i had no idea what to do. So i did some reading on here and decided to duck tape it back up. Does this look legit to y'all???IMG_0620.jpgIMG_1756.jpgIMG_8232.jpg
Hey guys. So I had this plant all duct taped up after the first branch fell. now its week 7 of flower and i come into the tent and six out of the eight branches are broken/falling over due to weight. i have had an oscillating fan blowing since clone. We were planning on harvesting this saturday. however given that all the branches are broken and its obviously got weight on it i was going to just chop that one down today. what do yall think? Thanks in advance!!!im not sure how to get new pics up. sorry guys
You need to splint them and stake your plant so you can tie to it. And start
doing it next crop so you don't have the same issues.


Well-Known Member
You can split a soda straw and use a piece as a nice splint with the tape. Put some stakes in and use that plastic plant tape to hold the plant up. Damn big bud issues..:D
ended up chopping that girl down. most of the hairs had turned so i think she was pretty much ready. Thanks for the advice guys! I think im going to scrog next grow to avoid this problem again.


Well-Known Member
ended up chopping that girl down. most of the hairs had turned so i think she was pretty much ready. Thanks for the advice guys! I think im going to scrog next grow to avoid this problem again.
Buy a simple cheap 30X jewelers loupe so you can examine the trichomes and not rely on the "hairs".


Well-Known Member
In the future on a plant with multiple tops you can take some fishing line and lasso around the top 3/4 or so of the plant and bring it all together a little tighter. Helps keep it more upright.