Broken Branch. HELP!


Well-Known Member
I have had branches,that have totally come of before,and they re graft back on,if your in flower,its more of a proble.You could just bandage it back on,by using plumbing tape,ptfe tape,the tape they use for gas leaks or water leaks,wrap the branch leave two tag end, so you can tie it ,this will stretch we use it all the time t work with grafting fruit trees.But if your in flower,leave it a while if it remains green then do the above,if it wilts pointless in flower,


Well-Known Member
Well everyone this morning I came out to check my late night handy work and here's what it looks like. So far there isn't any wilting. I'll watch her carefully and make sure she gets mist if that happens. And I'll replace with electrical tape today ☺ Now some sun would be nice!
Should probably be ok ....I like to have a roll of duct tape and some rope around ......looks ok so far so you may be good and if I were you I would just add electrical tape to your fix ....don't take it apart if it's doing good now just wrap your existing repair job with some duct or electrical when you get some
So far there's no wilting! I'll put the ladies in their new greenhouse and watch for limp leaves. The sun came out a bit today and they're all perky again.



Well-Known Member
If it hasn't wilted you're good to go.. just leave it the way it is.. May do damage trying a re-tape..
Good job!
Hi everyone!
So far so good I have some beautiful colas forming on top and there's no wilting. Whew!
The black tape came off but the scotch tape is still there and there's a knot underneath.
Thank you all so much for your help!


Hi everyone!
So far so good I have some beautiful colas forming on top and there's no wilting. Whew!
The black tape came off but the scotch tape is still there and there's a knot underneath.
Thank you all so much for your help!
Glad to hear. This is comforting to me given I bent a branch yesterday, myself. I didn't use a splint (wish I did) but I did wrap it in duct tape and used string to keep it upright. I'm waiting for her to wake up so I can see how she did overnight.
Glad to hear. This is comforting to me given I bent a branch yesterday, myself. I didn't use a splint (wish I did) but I did wrap it in duct tape and used string to keep it upright. I'm waiting for her to wake up so I can see how she did overnight.
How'd she do?
I ended up breaking another branch and taping it and both are doing ok still.
The weather here is awful! 65 degrees and barely any sun. And my ladies need another 3 weeks. I'm so frustrated!


So far so good. Sorry to hear about the weather out there. Let's hope for warmer temps and clear skies!

irish grower

Well-Known Member
So I came home tonight and discovered that after a long day of rain and wind, a branch broke off of the bottom of my plant. It's dark right now and I want to repair it but I've heard all kinds of methods from taping, to copper wire and I'm wondering which method has worked best for you?
Also, how can I do this in the dark? Or should I wait until morning? I'm 2 weeks into flowering and I'm just starting to get tiny little buds developing.
I am new to growing and took these plants in for a friend that has passed away so I know NOTHING. I'm about 300 pages into the Cannabis Bible but I'm in need of advice.
Duck tape and some bamboo shoots if needed