Broken Branch I need Help


Well-Known Member
I fucken knocked my fan over when watering and it broke a branch, Not broken off just bent and it bruised were it bent. What should I do?? Help please!


Well-Known Member
i did the same,,just splint it or tie it up,,it will be ok if it didn't break,,will just take a bit to recover

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Thank you HOLE, I will spint the poor limb now. Its right near the node, I will try som duct tape and popsical sticks


Well-Known Member
it will work,,I have since untied that stem,,and it HoLE'ds it's own,,hehe,,took about a week and a half to heal,,and started growin again

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Glad to hear. I was a nice big ass branch too I bent. two week into flower I hope she recovers fast. Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
get a piece of masking tape and wrap that around the wound, make sure the "head" of the branch is still aiming upward. in a few days it should recover and the "bruise" from the bend will look like a lump but the branch will be back to normal.

didnt slow her down a bit!



Well-Known Member
dont use duct tape, it will never come off.

masking tape comes off after a little while, usually heat or water causes it to come off


Active Member
i droped the fan on my big plant today, i simply used string to tie a loose not around the top and tied it so that it would stand erect.

you should tie the string tight, otherwise the stalk will expand and grow weird

i suggest using a twine or string that is flexable or just dont tie it tight(make sure you can fit a spliff between the loop) and mist the leaves and bent area. put the fan on a lower setting


Active Member
ever see george warner's recommendations? he recommends breaking the branch. I broke my branch and guess what I did to it? Nothin man. It grew five new colas. ganga is an incredibly resistant plant. no worries man.