Broken stem


Active Member
My plant is about two months old and pretty healthy. just two days ago my light fell on top of it and woke me up. I went to check and the plant was bent over almost broke the stem completely about half way up. I straightened it out best I could and tied it to a support. Its still alive and shows no sign of death but has it not been long enough for it to die? Will it heal itself? Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
tape or tie up the plant so it stands up straight, put a piece of duct tape around the spot where the stem is broken. leave the duct tape on and keep it tied up. after about 2 weeks try taking off the supports (if the plant falls over, put it back longer). leave the tape on for like 3 weeks (when the time comes to remove it, use a razor to cut the tape if you cant peel it. dont worry if you make a small slice in the plant.) the area where the tape was will look different dont worry

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
Sounds like its ok! If it was going to croke it would have allready. Add a little shock solution to help it recover. Duct tape is tough to remove later, that blue or orange masking tape might be easier. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
use plastic wrap that ya use to cover food in the frig . it clings to it self and wont hurt the plant when ya take it off