⚠︎ Brother OneHitDone Goes Organic ⚠︎ #Grean Bicycles Growing

Happy to report 100% germ rate, 20/20! Planted in 18oz solo cups just a few mins ago. Poked some holes in the bottom, put some plastic wrap over the top with elastics, poked holes in the plastic. They're under 90w t5, light is above 4 inches above the rim of the cups, prob 5 inches from the soil. Made sure I put them all crown up, a couple taproot were pretty wiggly, in some cases they had done a 180 and were also pointing up towards the crowns, i still plant crown up, hope that was the right move. I'll report back again soon! Sorry for hijacking your thread Brother, just stoked to take this journey and your riding shotgun on this one lmao.
If they have sprouted before planting out they will look a bit like a staple or a "U". Watching a talk by Soul of Cinderella 99 fame, he pointed out that if you plant that staple or "U" shaped sprout with the ends pointing down. Then the seedling will pull its head through the soil, as it straightens up and emerges from the soil, and the seed case and cover will be drawn off in the process. Nature is pretty neat.
Looking good brother. I just ordered a cloth raised bed (4x4) for my 5x5 tent. I love how your beds came out. I was going to make my own but this just seemed too easy haha. It was like 80 bucks, blumat plugged them on instagram.

Looking good brother. I just ordered a cloth raised bed (4x4) for my 5x5 tent. I love how your beds came out. I was going to make my own but this just seemed too easy haha. It was like 80 bucks, blumat plugged them on instagram.

Note that I have ditched the Blumat system.
Wasn't fully happy with the performance.
Had one overwatering issue and the nail in the coffin was inspection of my soil after harvest. The water distribution along the BluSoak hose was not anywhere close to as uniform as I would have liked. Dry pocket right next to a constantly damp patch.
Back to hand water with a wand. Besides, it's only like every 3 days with beds
Good to know. I have the carrots, not the hose, so we will see how those work out... ideally I really only plan on using them when I am going to be away so I don't have to pay someone to water them. lol. I enjoy the hand watering and being as hands-on as possible with the garden.
So, my family member I set up on their first grow with Grean Bicycles Ocean Bounty on scratch built soil with Cherry Pie Cuts Harvested. Let's just say that it FLEW off the shelf with rave reviews :hump:
So now that they are all exited and truly have the Grow Bug we dumped the used soil back out on the tarp and OneHit whipped up a recipe for reamending with more Ocean Bounty and a couple other ingredients sprinkled in.
They are all reset this time with a full run of Blood Diamond OG Kush. This will once again be WATER ONLY FROM THE GARDEN HOSE just to get brother @hybridway2 's blood boiling ;)


Now for an update in my garden....
Blood Diamond Round 1


And Blood Diamond round 2


I have also been working through a few cloning experiments toward the goal of just being able to stick the cuts and let them roll with no other messing with or nutrient feeding etc.
I will update with greater detail once things are dialed in. For now, off to the Domes these beauties go!


Nice healthy cuts for last round

5 days later in family members garden. May give them a few more plants to mix in. These OG's don't bush much. Will be getting them topped shortly.


Anyone identify these mushrooms? Came in with Bu's Blend Compost :peace:

Had lost my Sweet Black Angel by Samsara Seeds after growing it since like 2014 and was very disappointed in that as it was always a patient favorite.
Sooooo, it is time to look for another that will hopefully replace what I had. Also dropped a pack of Tangerine Power by Sin City Seeds to sift through.
10/10 on the SBA's so far but Tangerine Power's are being a no show so far. We'll be patient as I know that pack is at least 4 or 5 years old :peace:

OneHitDone tip of the day: Grab yourself a T5, some good organic soil, and a pack of lettuce seed and grow yourself and your family some healthy pesticide free organic food!


Quick Garden update:
Day 43


Day 35
