Brown/burnt spots on leaf/tip..

What do you guys think is going on here?

This the first one I noticed a few days ago but i didnt think anything of it...

Today I noticed this.. the one that really got my attention.. Second leaf set.

This one was bitten in the night a week or so back (solved it btw) and it browned a bit where I cut off the bitten piece, which I think is normal, but it looks like it's getting bit more brown on it

This one was also bitten on the same night as the one above, but idk what to say about this one..

Top of plant..

Side: about 26 days old. Haven't fed any nute/ferts yet, on its 4 leaf set, going 5.

What you guys think? Is something wrong?
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Spots on first leaf, brown-ish ..


Another pic of the second leaf set with the tip intact but brown/burnt looking..
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your plant doesn’t appear to like being so close to that light in the one pic. You could also stand to use some perlite in your mix. The new growth seems to be looking ok though. I’d just monitor it .
your plant doesn’t appear to like being so close to that light in the one pic. You could also stand to use some perlite in your mix. The new growth seems to be looking ok though. I’d just monitor it .
Yea it kinda grew into the light & I haven't moved it up yet. Doing that tomorrow.

For the soil, it has em they just muddied so they blend in lol