Brown edges on leaves cfl grow


New Member
Can someone help there under cfl light 24 hrs a day i water once a day ph of water is 5.5 and soil is 6.2


Well-Known Member
You should ph at 6.5 give or take. Go 18-6, no need for 24. I wouldn't worry when they so little.

Some appear to be stretching a bit. Also get some air blowing around them. Rotate the cups. around as some are turning for light.

With cfl, better if lights are sideways.

Also, you should not be watering daily. Let them dry out. When small, I wait for the soil to pull away from the sides of the cup before watering.


New Member
All the realy tall ones i rescued from a friends failed experement they were overly light starver for 3 weeks so they are really streached lo but the only plants im worries about are my two furthest along ones ie- 2nd and 4th pic


Well-Known Member
You should be okay for a little while. I hope you someplace larger to move them. You will outgrow that box quickly!!!


New Member
Ya i have a 1.5x1.5x4ft veg boxes to move them in and the box there in is capable of being two time its size due to the light fixture being moveable up and down


Well-Known Member
Those brown tips can be either nute burn or light/heat burn.

Your lights look plenty far away, but is the grow box staying reasonably cool?

If it is not overheating I would guess your planting medium is a little hot. Pretty common I think with little seedlings in certain soil mixes. If that's the case it will adapt and take off.