Brown hairs and shiny crystal

first picture (102)
an outside grow that came indoors. not sure on timing or anything like that. it's been losing leaf like crazy so I know it's close. still has a little bit of white hair but my main concern is the size of calyx. should I wait a bit longer?

second picture (103)
jack herer, from outdoors to indoors. not sure on timing. still has another few weeks by the look of the leaves turning yellow etc, buds are still small. crystal looks good though. thoughts?

both are sitting in ambient light, I was foiled by weather or they'd be outside still.



New Member
trichs are lookin clear so i would hold off another week or two.. have you flushed the plant yet?

(106) Jack Herer doesn't exactly have big buds
(106 cropped) shows milky trich's

(120) shows some orange but also still plenty of green hair
(120 cropped) shows clear trich's still.

the jack isn't big enough for me to take down yet, it's still growing and what not, so are the milky trich's an issue?



Active Member

(106) Jack Herer doesn't exactly have big buds
(106 cropped) shows milky trich's

(120) shows some orange but also still plenty of green hair
(120 cropped) shows clear trich's still.

the jack isn't big enough for me to take down yet, it's still growing and what not, so are the milky trich's an issue?
how did you get so clear pic? i got a nice canon and can't get pics like that. am i missing something (setting on the cam?
when the white hair growth is gone; start inspecting trichs

my girl looked like yours about 1 month ago! id say 3 weeks at the very least left.
so I'm starting to find more and more leaf like the one in the picture. at first just the fan leaves were doing it, and I attributed it to the plant pulling back nutrients.. but now it's starting to curl and dry up leaf in the bud.

is it time?

