brown leaf tips?should i remove?

hey i was told to remove the brown spots if i see any dose that meani remove the whole leaf structure or just the actuall lil spots i see alone on the tips?


Active Member
no reason to remove a leaf untill its more than 50% brown.

plus if its a fert issue removing leaves will increase the problem.

just cut back how much fert u use

trichlone fiend

New Member
ok since your here i may as well ask is it ok to remove some leafs from the top to let more light get to the lower foilage?
...I would only remove the bottom parts of the plant that aren't getting any light. Remove'n fan leaves can seriously stunt your plants....however if the leaves aren't getting any light, it's fine to thin the area out...look into lollipop'n your ladies.
yeah cuz i was noticing tha the lower part of the plant some leafs were getting a lil light or yelling i was thining its cuz they cant get enough light but didnt know if i should clear our some top ones or just take the bottoms off ty tho for the great adviice

trichlone fiend

New Member
...that's what light deprived foilage will do...turn yellow and die. So, I personally like to remove the bottom 1/3 of my ladies....or you could add some sidelight.


Active Member
i mirrored my walls.

but i also trim. i almost never remove a whole leaf. and i never touch anything above the 5th or 6th node (counting down from the top)

i do cut the outer finger leaves, leaving the largest middle 3-5 leaves. those leaves continue to grow, the plant detects it as predation and increases some growth.

this also gets more light through without removing entire leafsets