brown roots, bad grow big ff nutes?

My roots turned brown after adding Grow big FF nutes.
The nutes themselves look like they gone bad or something, Its very brown and when i mix into the water resovoir it looks cloudy. Could this have been caused by leaving the nutes in a hot room? or leaving it open by mistake? Its been so long I dont remember how they suppose to look but i don't think they suppose to be so dark brown and concentrated.

Will hydrogen peroxide fix the brown roots? They dont stink at all.

Forgot to say the specs
in a 3.5 gallon hydrobucket from the hydrostore so no light leaks.
4 weeks into veg, blue widow
never adding hydrogen peroxide before.
need pics to be sure like hellraizer said maybe they just got colored by nutes. can happen if you use organic or really dark thick nutes
Are you using the soil grow big formula? FoxFarm makes growbig for hydro and grow big for soil. Is your bottle green or blue? The green bottle (6-4-4) is for soil, the blue one (3-2-6?) is for hydro. dont use the green one in hydro
I use fox farms grow big had the same bottle for a year now, its still good its not cloudy, its is a dark green, my roots are white not brown u could be over watering
I think something got into it, Anyways, Can I still use these nutes? Or do they negatively affect the ppm,. it's looks pretty dirty when I put into the water. The roots look a little better now that i added 3% hydrogen peroxde for the first time.

And Would it be wise to cut those 2 big ass bottom fan leaves?
that pic you have of the bottle is big bloom not grow big.

i use the soil liquids and my big bloom is brown in color.